Editorial Note

No official record of the discussion at this meeting has been found. The information set forth above regarding the time of the meeting and the participants is derived from the President’s appointment calendar (Roosevelt Papers) and from Hull, vol. ii, p. 1121. Concerning the discussion Hull says:

“During the conference it was apparent that Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill were not yet in agreement that a Supreme War Council should be set up. Most of our discussion was devoted to this subject. We therefore agreed to adopt the new draft of the Joint Declaration, standing alone, leaving the Supreme War Council draft for further discussion.”

The “new draft of the Joint Declaration” was the draft prepared in the Department of State on December 27; see Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. i, p. 14. This draft was amended in several respects by Roosevelt at this meeting in the White House and was approved, as amended, by Churchill. The text of the amended draft is given in telegram 6081 of December 28 from Halifax to Eden, post, p. 370.

The “Supreme War Council draft” to which Hull refers was the draft of December 19, 6 p.m., ante, p. 40. For the further consideration of this draft, see the meeting in the Department of State on December 29, post, p. 132.