Editorial Note

No official record of the substance of this conversation has been found. The information set forth above is derived from the Log, ante, p. 533, and Hopkins’ notes of January 24, post, p. 839. The brief accounts of the meeting by Elliott Roosevelt (p. 120), de Gaulle (pp. 94–95), Catroux (p. 322), Giraud (pp. 109–110), and Macmillan (p. 253) indicate that the principal subject of discussion was the joint statement to the press to be made by de Gaulle and Giraud. It appears to have been agreed that the two French leaders would prepare such a statement after Roosevelt and Churchill had left Casablanca. Macmillan (p. 254) recalls that the statement was prepared late on the afternoon of January 24; for the text, issued to the press on January 26, see de Gaulle, Documents, p. 94. After the conversation, the four leaders moved to the lawn at the rear of the President’s villa for photographs; see ante, p. 483.