Editorial Note
No official record of the substance of the discussion during this dinner has been found. According to Hopkins’ memorandum of June 25, 1942 (post, p. 483), from which the information set forth above has been derived, Roosevelt and Churchill considered the draft joint statement by the President and Prime Minister prepared by Hopkins. For the draft joint statement prepared by Hopkins, see post, p. 481. For text of the joint statement as released to the press on June 27, 1942, see post, p. 482.
This final dinner meeting may also have been the occasion for Roosevelt and Churchill to give their approval to the American proposal to provide tanks and self-propelled guns to British forces in the Middle East. Regarding the American proposal and its final approval, see footnote 5 to the record of the meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the morning of June 25, ante, p. 447.
Following this dinner, Churchill and his party departed by automobile for Baltimore where they took off later the same evening for the return flight to England.