Editorial Note
No official record of the substance of the discussion at this meeting has been found. The information set forth above, which is derived from the President’s appointment calendar (Roosevelt Papers), is [Page 454] partially corroborated by Hassett, Off the Record With F.D.R., p. 70. Hassett does not, however, include Churchill among those present. The President’s appointment calendar lists Soviet Ambassador Litvinov, in parentheses, in conjunction with the names set forth above. There is no record of any discussion with Litvinov, nor is there any evidence that such a discussion was related to the conferences between Roosevelt and Churchill. Litvinov called on the Secretary of State on July 1, 1942. Hull’s memorandum of that conversation reads in part as follows: “He was very curious about what took place in the Churchill conversations. I replied that I could not tell him for the reason that I had had no opportunity for a talk with the President, who is out of the city for some days.” (700.0011 European War 1939/22637)