Hopkins Papers
The President to the Director of Materials, Office of Production Management (Batt)
Dear Bill: I am anxious that we get into a conference at an early date with the British, and possibly the Dutch, relative to the raw materials of the world which are either under our control or are under the control of our friends. It is essential that we make the best and most effective joint use of these materials.
I think the conference should also deal with such critical items as steel. I do not wish it to include munitions of war or other manufactured products. Any political implications that arise out of the conference will naturally be referred to the proper Departments of the Government.
I have in mind a working conference to explore at once how the raw materials of the world can best be brought to bear on the defeat of Hitler.
I have asked Lord Beaverbrook, whose Ministry is responsible for this in England, to designate appropriate representatives to discuss this matter with our Government.
I am asking Jim Forrestal, Bob Patterson, Don Nelson, Ed Stettinius, Will Clayton, and Milo Perkins to serve on this conference. I wish you would take the initiative in getting this group together to make preliminary plans prior to the conference.
I wish for the present that this proposed conference be kept confidential.
Sincerely yours,