Defense Files
Draft Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff1
Memorandum for the President:
Higher Direction of War in the ABDA Area
The Chiefs of Staff have somewhat revised their original memorandum on the above subject, so as to incorporate certain of the President’s suggestions. With respect to those points where the revised memorandum, hereto attached, differs from the President’s re-draft, the following explanation is submitted:
- a.
- The United States Chiefs of Staff and the British Chiefs of Staff, through their representatives in Washington, are in an especially favorable position to weigh the needs of the ABDA area in relation to those of other theaters of war. Recommendations to the President and to the Prime Minister emanating from the Joint Chiefs of Staff would reflect this balanced perspective.
- b.
- Consultations with the Dutch, Australian, and New Zealand governments can not well be carried out in several places without serious loss of time, and creation of confusion. For the reasons set out in paragraph 4 of the attached revised memorandum, London would appear to be the logical place for carrying on such consultations. The Chiefs of Staff committee in Washington can, of course, keep the representatives of the Dutch and Dominion governments informed, should this be considered desirable.
- c.
- The suggested duplication of messages from the Supreme Commander to London and Washington is for the purpose of saving time. The copy sent to Washington would be the action copy, but the one to London would furnish the basis for immediate comment to Washington.
- d.
- Admiral Pound feels that, in view of his conversation with the Prime Minister this morning, the attached procedure will be entirely acceptable to the Prime Minister.
Commander-in-Chief U.S. Fleet
Chief of Naval Operations
Chief of Air Forces
The source text was part I of Annex 2 to JCCSs–6; see ante, p. 142.
The source text, being a draft, bears no signatures. According to Matloff and Snell (p. 126, footnote 26), it was signed and sent to the President on the afternoon of December 31; see the discussion of the Chiefs of Staff on December 31 ante, p. 147.
↩ - The source text was part II of Annex 2 to JCCSs–6; see ante, p. 142.↩