710.Consultation(2)/55a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Armour)
120. Please endeavor to see Dr. Cantilo over the weekend and inform him of the pleasure with which the President and myself learned of the possibility that he personally might attend the forthcoming meeting. His presence would add great prestige to a meeting which may well be the most important inter-American conference held in recent years. It is my own expectation to be present if conditions make it possible, and it would be a very great pleasure for me once again to collaborate with Dr. Cantilo in the important work ahead of all of us. Please inform Dr. Cantilo further that in as much as all of the American countries have now agreed regarding the desirability of holding another consultation of Foreign Ministers, it would seem desirable to fix at the earliest possible moment the date of that meeting; and in as much as the American governments have generally interpreted the 12th Resolution adopted at Panama last October to mean a commitment to hold the next meeting at Habana, the views of the most distant countries become all important in the fixing of the date.
[Here follows paragraph on transportation schedules from Buenos Aires to Habana.]
Would you kindly endeavor to secure an indication of Dr. Cantilo’s views as soon as possible. The invitation to the meeting will of course be extended by the Government of Cuba.
Would you also kindly tell Dr. Cantilo that it would be the great pleasure of this Government to have him and the other member of the Argentine Delegation as its guests following the termination of the conference. It would be our idea that Dr. Cantilo return to Washington for conferences with the President and with other high government officials with regard to matters of special and urgent interest to the United States and the Argentine. Not only would this be the first time an Argentine Foreign Minister has ever visited the [Page 197] United States, but at this particular juncture it would obviously be a further proof of our determination to work with one another for the welfare of the hemisphere.