710.Consultation(2)/7: Telegram
The Minister in Haiti (Mayer) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:26 p.m.]
97. With reference to Department’s circular telegram dated June 17, 10 a.m. President Vincent fully agrees with the policy indicated [Page 182] in paragraph 3 and is prepared to participate at once in the Habana consultation. In fact he told me he had just been discussing this extremely serious situation with the Minister for Foreign Affairs5b preliminary to suggesting action. The Minister for Foreign Affairs is ready to leave Port-au-Prince when notified of date of assembling.
However President Vincent feels in the present case exactly as quoted in my No. 79, May 31, 1 p.m., and my telegram 81, June 1, 2 p.m.,6 to the effect that the procedure suggested does not meet the urgency of present grave situation. President Vincent would greatly prefer to have the United States either alone or accompanied by symbolic military representation from several of the Caribbean states take immediate possession of the French and Dutch possessions in this hemisphere in a sort of trust or escrow leaving their exclusive jurisdiction to be determined at Habana.
In other words President Vincent strongly recommends action first and consultation afterwards. He feels that the procedure suggested by our Government might easily confront the American Republics with a fait accompli of a declaration of title by Germany the contravention of which would create a casus belli which immediate action would avoid.
Furthermore, President Vincent believes that positive action will greatly impress Germany and Italy and create a favorable atmosphere for any future problems we may have with them.