811.3310/1641: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Uruguay (Wilson)

60. Your 109, June 14, 10 a.m. I concur with your suggestions regarding the tenor of your proposed address. In reviewing the steps taken at recent conferences, it is believed that you might find it a suitable occasion to refer to Resolution 28 of the Lima Conference relating [Page 1160] to the political activities of foreigners. After referring to the Meeting of the Foreign Ministers at Panama,9 and the striking example it afforded of inter-American solidarity, you may wish to include a paragraph along the following lines:

“The striking advances made by the American Republics in the attainment of this ideal of inter-American solidarity must not be endangered through carelessness or laxity. In confronting the dangers which threaten us all, we can work more effectively if we work together. For over one hundred years, the American Republics have happily been able to maintain themselves free from the threat of foreign aggression. They oppose all intervention in their internal or external affairs. They are earnestly desirous of preserving the liberty for which they fought in the early days of their independence. Today these liberties are gravely menaced. We of the Americas must accordingly reaffirm our strong determination to defend ourselves against any intervention coming from abroad, and to protect ourselves against poorly concealed activities which threaten our very sovereignty. I am authorized to state that it is the intention and avowed policy of my Government to cooperate fully whenever such cooperation is desired, with all of the other American governments, in crushing all activities which arise from non-American sources and which imperil our political and economic freedom. Here in the Americas we have abundant resources and abundant man power to cope with the task. We are proud of the free and independent spirit of our virile peoples; we are confident of our power to meet and repel any attack.”

While you are authorized to insert the foregoing in your proposed address, you may make any modifications in it which you deem desirable. Please forward a copy of the address as delivered.10

  1. See Foreign Relations, 1939, vol. v, pp. 15 ff.
  2. The address was delivered at an official luncheon in honor of Captain Wickham of the U. S. S. Quincy, at Montevideo, June 23, 1940. See Department of State Bulletin, July 20, 1940, p. 35.