740.0011 Mutual Guarantee (Locarno)/587: Telegram

The Ambassador in Germany (Dodd) to the Secretary of State

105. German official comment regarding the French memorandum and plan43 is limited at present to preliminary consideration of the [Page 287] lengthy documents. Both Bülow and Dieckhoff express themselves as welcoming whatever contribution by any power for the peace of Europe so long as it is constructive and not unnecessarily contentious or accusatory.

With the Foreign Office technically closed from tonight until Tuesday and the Easter holidays intervening it is anticipated that the German Government will if practicable avoid any other than such formal reference to the new French memorandum and plan.

Regarding the vital question of fortifications the Foreign Office considers generally that it is standing on the firm basis of defensive measures in its own country and certainly gives no evidence of any willingness to concede anything to France on this score. When questioned regarding the essence of the fortifications problem, namely the damage or even danger to French supremacy in Central Europe, the Foreign Office considers this is just too bad but does not see why it should be called upon to underwrite French hegemony in the Danube region by self-denying action at the expense of Germany’s own defensive situation.

The morning press repudiates the French plan in its entire conception in detail and in tone.

Repeated to Paris, London, Geneva, Rome, Praha, Brussels, Vienna, by mail to Budapest, Bucharest, Istanbul, Warsaw, The Hague.

  1. See footnote 40, p. 282.