United Kingdom:
- Efforts of the Secretary of State to secure the cooperation of the
British Government in his international trade program; preliminary
discussions respecting a trade agreement between the United States and
the United Kingdom
(Documents 513–555)
- Informal discussions regarding proposed restriction of trade between
Australia and New Zealand to British shipping (Documents 556–562)
- Supplementary convention between the United States and the United
Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand respecting the tenure and
disposition of real and personal property, signed May 27, 1936 (Documents 563–566)
- Reciprocal arrangements effected by the United States with the United
Kingdom, Canada, and the Irish Free State for trans-Atlantic air
(Documents 567–572)
- Refusal of the British Government to recognize the right of the United
States to exercise control outside territorial waters over any vessel
flying the British flag, except as provided by treaty (Document 573)
- Informal representations against proposed preferential tariff rates in
certain British West African colonies favoring Empire trade
(Documents 574–577)
- Recognition of the United Kingdom by the United States Government as a
reciprocal country under the Mineral Leasing Act of February 25,
(Documents 578–581)