Insistence by the United States upon Greek responsibility for the service of American loans to Greece under the agreements of May 10, 1929, and May 24, 19321
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1933, vol. ii, pp. 544–547.
[430] The Chargé in Great Britain (Atherton) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 26.]
868.51 War Credits/650
[431] The Minister in Greece (MacVeagh) to President Roosevelt
868.51 War Credits/669
[432] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Bingham)
868.51 War Credits/650: Telegram
[433] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Bingham) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 7—9:35 a.m.]
868.51 War Credits/651: Telegram
[434] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Greece (MacVeagh)
868.51 War Credits/651: Telegram
[435] The Minister in Greece (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 9—11:35 a.m.]
868.51 War Credits/654: Telegram
[436] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Bingham) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 24—9:55 a.m.]
868.51 War Credits/659: Telegram
[437] The Greek Minister (Simopoulos) to the Secretary of the Treasury (Morgenthau)
868.51 War Credits/660
[438] The Secretary of State to the Greek Minister (Simopoulos)
868.51 War Credits/661
[439] The Secretary of State to the Greek Minister (Simopoulos)
868.51 War Credits/664
[440] The Secretary of State to the Greek Minister (Simopoulos)
868.51 War Credits/672
[441] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Greece (MacVeagh)
868.51 War Credits/673
[442] The Minister in Greece (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 28.]
868.51 War Credits/675
[443] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Greece (MacVeagh)
868.51 War Credits/675
[444] The Acting Secretary of State to the Greek Minister (Simopoulos)
868.51 War Credits/676
[445] The Acting Secretary of State to the Greek Minister (Simopoulos)
868.51 War Credits/678
[446] The Minister in Greece (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 1.]
868.51 War Credits/681
[447] The Secretary of State to the Greek Minister (Simopoulos)
868.51 War Credits/682
[448] The Secretary of State to the Greek Minister (Simopoulos)
868.51 War Credits/684
[449] The Greek Minister (Simopoulos) to the Secretary of State
868.51 War Credits/685