Attitude of the United States toward certain cases of Nazi propaganda in the United States
[423] The Consul at Berlin (Geist) to the Secretary of State
Berlin, January 3, 1934.
[Received January 23.]
[Received January 23.]
811.00 Nazi/50
[426] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Dodd)
Washington, February 6, 1934.
811.00 Nazi/61
[427] The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Berlin (Messersmith)
Washington, February 14, 1934.
811.00 Nazi/67
[428] The German Ambassador (Luther) to the Secretary of State
Washington, February 20, 1934.
811.00 Nazi/68
[429] The Secretary of State to the German Ambassador (Luther)
, April
5, 1934.
811.00 Nazi/99