150.071 Control/156

The German Embassy to the Department of State


The German Embassy has the honor to call the attention of the Department of State of the United States to the following matter:

In a note verbale of December 24, 1931—St. D. A. 488—the receipt of which was acknowledged on January 11, 1932 with 150.071 Control/114,9 the Embassy pointed out the serious objections raised on the part of Germany, for economic and other reasons, against proposed legislation then under consideration by the law making bodies of the United States.

This legislation, as is known to the Department of State, did not become a law before the adjournment of the 72nd Congress. The German Embassy, however, is informed that bills very similar to those referred to were recently introduced again in both Houses of Congress, and hearings are said to have been held already on these bills, S. 868 and H.R. 3842.

Under the circumstances the German Embassy deems it its duty, with reference to its former written arguments against bills of that kind, to express anew the serious objections existing now as heretofore, against such bills. While the legal objections existing at the time can now be repeated unchanged, the views advanced against the legislative [Page 990] measures planned exist today with much greater force, because of the desperate economic condition of the world. These views, in the opinion of the Embassy necessitate special care in the inauguration of legislative plans which, like those here in question, entail further heavy burdens and obligations on ocean trade between nations and thereby on the whole trade of the world.

  1. Ibid., p. 945.
  2. Not printed.