150.071 Control/154
The French Ambassador (De Laboulaye) to the Secretary of State
Mr. Secretary of State: My predecessor frequently pointed out to the Department of State the disadvantages which might be caused [Page 989] to the French Merchant Marine by the adoption of the “Alien Seaman Act” known as the “King Bill”.
These disadvantages were particularly dealt with in a note from the Ambassador dated October 6, 19316 and in a communication from Mr. Claudel to His Excellency, Mr. Stimson, dated February 15, 1932.7
Now the House of Representatives is about to debate a bill, No. 3842, presented by Mr. Dies, which reproduces almost exactly the text previously submitted to the Congress of the United States.
Referring to the previous communications of this Embassy, I can only invite Your Excellency’s attention to the serious prejudice which the adoption of the bill in question may cause to French interests, and I would be very grateful to you, if you would be good enough to advise the Committee of the House of Representatives of the French Government’s point of view in this matter.
Please accept [etc.]