500.A15A4 General Committee/520: Telegram

The American Delegate (Wilson) to the Acting Secretary of State

704. 1. At the meeting of the General Commission this morning Henderson conveyed the recommendations of the Bureau (my 701, June 27, 6p.m.). Nadolny in a prepared statement opposed the recommendations of the Bureau although as you remember he acquiesced at the time of the Bureau meeting. He emphasized the responsibility of the governments voting for this resolution and the solemnity of their undertaking to negotiate during the interval. I stated that the American delegation stood ready to help the President in all possible ways in his task and wished him success if the General Commission decided on this form of procedure. Cadogan supported the President’s proposal. Massigli followed, supporting the proposal and intimating that the success or failure of the conversations depended upon the degree of trust among the various governments and that the receipt of daily news despatches of a disquieting nature could not but jeopardize the success of the conversations. The Hungarian delegate92 acquiesced in the proposal as did the Italian93 the latter underlining [Page 202] the obligation to negotiate with a determination to succeed. Nadolny referred to Massigli’s remarks and stated that in the name of the German Government or any subsequent German Government a convention entered into would be loyally and faithfully observed by the German Government and people. The proposal was adopted without vote.

2. Henderson then paid tribute to Drummond in this his last official appearance in the League to which Drummond replied.

3. The President then adjourned the General Commission until October 16th.

  1. General G. de Ziegler.
  2. Marquis A. Meli Lupi cli Soragna.