
The Acting Secretary of State to the Mexican Ambassador (Téllez)

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of July 8, 1931, with reference to the action of Judge Thomas Green during the course of a hearing in the Municipal Court of South Chicago, when he sentenced the Mexican Vice Consul in Chicago, Mr. Adolfo G. Domínguez, to imprisonment for six months on a chargé of contempt of court.

Upon being advised by Your Excellency of this incident, which the Department profoundly regrets, an immediate communication was made with the Governor of Illinois, with the request that an investigation be made and that steps be taken for the release of Mr. Domínguez. As Your Excellency is aware, the release of Mr. Domínguez was effected the evening of the same day on which he was confined to prison.

I have today received a telegram from the Honorable Louis L. Emmerson, Governor of Illinois, reading as follows:

[Here follows text printed supra.]

From the foregoing Your Excellency will observe that the action against Mr. Domínguez is definitely terminated.

Accept [etc.]

W. R. Castle, Jr.