811.111Colleges 62/17

The Second Assistant Secretary of Labor (Husband) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: I beg to acknowledge receipt of Mr. Carr’s letter of the 24th instant relative to the admission of student laborers under the auspices of the German Students’ Cooperative Association and have noted the request of the German Embassy that permission be granted to import thirty-two such students who have now made arrangements to proceed to the United States. Subsequent to the receipt of Mr. Carr’s communication the Visa Office of your Department stated verbally that the Consulate General in Berlin had already informed fifty prospective students that they might make application for the necessary visas in accordance [Page 112] with the arrangement which prevailed prior to the 19th instant when you were advised that on account of existing employment conditions in the United States it had been decided to terminate the agreement under which such students were temporarily admitted.

In view of the German Embassy’s request, and the statement of the Consul General in Berlin, it has been directed that the order terminating the agreement under which labor students have been admitted shall be modified to provide that not to exceed thirty-five applicants may be admitted in accordance with the former agreement during the twelve months beginning April 1, 1930.34

With reference to your inquiry as to this Department’s attitude in the matter of extending the temporary stay of such labor students already in the United States, I beg to advise that each case in which application for extension is made will be considered individually and accorded the most sympathetic consideration that is feasible under the facts as developed in each individual case. The permission to bring in thirty-five students from Germany during the coming twelve months is deemed to be liberal in view of the limited numbers that have been or may be admitted from other countries.

I am [etc.]

W. W. Husband
  1. Marginal annotation to this paragraph: “Dr. Kiep, of German Embassy, advised of this. J. F. S[immons]”.