Convention between the United States, Great Britain, and Iraq regarding the rights of the United States and of its nationals in Iraq, signed January 9, 19301

1. For previous correspondence, see Foreign Relations, 1928, vol. ii, pp. 952 ff.

[233] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Houghton) to the Secretary of State


[234] The Consul at Baghdad (Randolph) to the Secretary of State


[235] The Consul at Baghdad (Randolph) to the Secretary of State


[236] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes)

890g.01/206: Telegram

[237] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State

890g.01/216: Telegram

[238] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State


[239] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State


[240] The Consul at Baghdad (Randolph) to the Secretary of State


[241] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes)

890g.01/220: Telegram

[242] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes)

890g.01/220: Telegram

[243] The Counselor of Embassy in Great Britain (Atherton) to the Secretary of State

890g.01/227: Telegram

[244] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State

890g.01/228: Telegram

[245] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes)

890g.01/229: Telegram

[246] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State

890g.01/233: Telegram

[247] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State

890g.01/234: Telegram

[248] Convention and Protocol Between the United States of America, Great Britain, and Iraq, Signed at London, January 9, 1930

Treaty Series No. 835

  1. Telegram in two sections.