811.111Colleges 62/14
The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of Labor (Davis)
Sir: With reference to Mr. Husband’s letter of March 19, 1930,33 relating to the admission of student laborers under the auspices of the German Students’ Cooperative Association, and to conversations between Mr. Husband and Mr. Simmons of this Department, there is transmitted herewith a copy of a note dated March 21, 1930, which has been received from the German Embassy on the above subject.
It would be appreciated if the Department of Labor would advise this Department at an early date of its decision as to whether arrangements such as those previously made for the admission of one hundred such German students annually are to be discontinued, or whether, upon consideration, the Department of Labor will see fit to limit the number of German students to a smaller annual number or handle each case individually without a definite arrangement as to the number of students involved.
It is also requested that this Department be advised as to the Department of Labor’s decision as to the extensions of permission to reside in this country which have been requested for certain of such students as are now here, as well as to the Embassy’s request for permission to import thirty-two students who, it is stated, have now made arrangements to proceed to the United States.
Very truly yours,
- Not printed.↩