Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1930, Volume III

Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1930, Volume III
- Joseph V. Fuller
General Editor:
- Tyler Dennett
United States Government Printing Office
- List of Papers
- Finland: (Documents 1–2)
- France: (Documents 3–48)
- Negotiations for a treaty between the United States and France regarding
double taxation (Documents 3–29)
- Efforts to reach an understanding with France for reciprocal recognition
of American and French legislation regarding inspection of vessels (Documents 30–32)
- Permission for American airplanes to fly over and land in French colonies
in the West Indies and South America (Documents 33–47)
- Suit of Princess Zizianoff against Consul Donald F. Bigelow, involving
question of consular immunity (Document 48)
- Negotiations for a treaty between the United States and France regarding
double taxation (Documents 3–29)
- Germany: (Documents 49–93)
- Increasing strength of the National Socialist Party (Documents 49–57)
- Informal representations by the German Ambassador with respect to
disarmament and the possible modification of the Pact of Paris (Documents 58–59)
- Loans by American banks to the German Government (Documents 60–72)
- Agreement providing for the discharge of Germany’s war indebtedness to the
United States, signed June 23, 1930 (Documents 73–74)
- Admission to the United States of German student laborers (Documents 75–81)
- Reciprocal treatment to be accorded by the United States and Germany to
consular staffs in the payment of import duties and other taxes (Documents 82–83)
- Extradition treaty between the United States and Germany, signed July 12,
1930 (Documents 84–90)
- Expulsion from Germany of Jack Diamond (Documents 91–93)
- Increasing strength of the National Socialist Party (Documents 49–57)
- Great Britain: (Documents 94–114)
- Supplementary treaty on tenure and disposition of real and personal
property between the United States, Great Britain, Australia, and New
Zealand (Documents 94–98)
- Refusal of the British Government to exempt American consular officers
from income tax on nonofficial income derived from sources outside the
United Kingdom (Documents 99–103)
- Convention between the United States and Great Britain and exchange of
notes regarding the boundary between the Philippine Archipelago and the
State of North Borneo, signed January 2, 1930 (Documents 104–106)
- Proposed revision, with respect to Zanzibar, of the treaty of amity and
commerce between the United States and Muscat (Oman), signed September 21,
1833 (Documents 107–110)
- Inquiry regarding alleged opposition to American investments in
India (Documents 111–114)
- Supplementary treaty on tenure and disposition of real and personal
property between the United States, Great Britain, Australia, and New
Zealand (Documents 94–98)
- Greece: (Documents 115–118)
- Guatemala: (Documents 119–161)
- Revolution in Guatemala (Documents 119–159)
- Inability of the Government of the United States to undertake to extend
direct assistance to the Government of Guatemala to obtain a loan (Documents 160–161)
- Boundary dispute with Honduras. (See volume I, General.)
- Revolution in Guatemala (Documents 119–159)
- Haiti: (Documents 162–224)
- The President’s Commission for the study and review of conditions in the
Republic of Haiti (Documents 162–220)
- Assumption by the Minister in Haiti of functions previously exercised by
the American High Commissioner (Document 221)
- Negotiations between the United States and Haiti for the Haitianization of
the Treaty Services (Documents 222–224)
- The President’s Commission for the study and review of conditions in the
Republic of Haiti (Documents 162–220)
- Hejaz and Nejd: (Documents 225–228)
- Honduras:
- Boundary dispute with Guatemala. (See volume I, General.)
- Boundary dispute with Nicaragua. (See volume I, General.)
- Iceland: (Documents 229–232)
- Arbitration treaty between the United States and Iceland, signed May 15,
1930 (Documents 229–232)
- Arbitration treaty between the United States and Iceland, signed May 15,
1930 (Documents 229–232)
- Iraq: (Documents 233–255)
- Italy: (Documents 256–259)
- Japan: (Documents 260–262)
- The exclusion clause of the American Immigration Act of May 26, 1924 (Documents 260–262)
- The exclusion clause of the American Immigration Act of May 26, 1924 (Documents 260–262)
- Latvia: (Documents 263–270)
- Liberia: (Documents 271–446)
- Denial of reports regarding possibility of intervention in Liberia by the
United States or other Powers (Documents 271–282)
- Investigation of forced labor conditions in Liberia by an international
commission; opposition
to proposed reforms; resignation of President King (Documents 283–372)
- Financial difficulties of the Government of Liberia and its alleged
failure to perform its obligations under the Loan Agreement of 1926 (Documents 373–388)
- Interest of the Department of State in sanitary reforms for Liberia (Documents 389–427)
- Appointment of George W. Lewis as Major in the Liberian Frontier Force
under the 1926 Loan Agreement (Documents 428–442)
- Appointment of Charles I. McCaskey as Acting Financial Adviser to the
Republic of Liberia in the absence of John Loomis (Documents 443–446)
- Denial of reports regarding possibility of intervention in Liberia by the
United States or other Powers (Documents 271–282)
- Mexico: (Documents 447–546)
- Proposed agreement between Mexico and the International Committee of
Bankers on Mexico (Documents 447–460)
- Consideration of en bloc settlement of claims between the United States
and Mexico and arrangement regarding meetings of the Claims Commissions (Documents 461–471)
- Temporary closing of the Mexican Consulate at Laredo, Texas, in reprisal
for threatened arrest of General Calles, former President of Mexico (Documents 472–512)
- Renewed negotiations for a settlement of the dispute over the Rio Grande
boundary (Documents 513–538)
- Protection in Mexico of the trademarks of the Palmolive Company and of
Chickering and Sons (Documents 539–546)
- Proposed agreement between Mexico and the International Committee of
Bankers on Mexico (Documents 447–460)
- Morocco: (Documents 547–569)
- Representations regarding American rights with respect to concession by
the Tangier Administration in Morocco (Documents 547–559)
- Inability of an American company to waive capitulatory rights enjoyed by
the United States in Morocco (Documents 560–561)
- Restrictions on missionary activities in the French Zone in Morocco (Documents 562–563)
- Negotiations concerning claims and proposed recognition by the United
States of the Spanish Zone in Morocco (Documents 564–569)
- Representations regarding American rights with respect to concession by
the Tangier Administration in Morocco (Documents 547–559)
- Netherlands: (Documents 570–576)
- Nicaragua: (Documents 577–634)
- Assistance by the United States in the supervision of elections in
Nicaragua (Documents 577–604)
- Proposals for amending the Agreement establishing the Guardia Nacional de
Nicaragua and for reducing its expenses (Documents 605–622)
- Assistance of the Department of State in reorganizing the finances of
Nicaragua (Documents 623–624)
- Disapprobation by the Department of State of proposed constitutional
amendments to extend the term of officials at the time in office (Documents 625–630)
- Concern of the Department of State over repressive measures of President
Moncada (Documents 631–633)
- Agreement between the United States and Nicaragua regarding transportation
for United States Army engineers and survey of a railroad route (Document 634)
- Boundary dispute with Honduras. (See volume I, General.)
- Assistance by the United States in the supervision of elections in
Nicaragua (Documents 577–604)
- Norway: (Documents 635–637)
- Panama: (Documents 638–640)
- Paraguay:
- Peru: (Documents 641–708)
- Revolution in Peru (Documents 641–708)
- Revolution in Peru (Documents 641–708)
- Poland: (Documents 709–717)
- Portugal: (Documents 718–736)
- Representations by the United States against the establishment in Portugal
of a monopoly for the manufacture of petroleum derivatives (Documents 718–723)
- Representations regarding discriminatory charges in Portuguese ports (Documents 724–731)
- Amelioration of legislation affecting American religious missions in
Portuguese East Africa (Documents 732–736)
- Representations by the United States against the establishment in Portugal
of a monopoly for the manufacture of petroleum derivatives (Documents 718–723)
- Rumania: (Documents 737–755)
- Spain: (Documents 756–762)
- Sweden: (Documents 763–772)
- Special Agreement between the United States and Sweden for the arbitration
of claims growing out of the alleged detention of the motorships Kronprins Gustaf Adolf and Pacific, signed December 17, 1930 (Documents 763–770)
- Arrangement between the United States and Sweden regarding reciprocal
exemption of pleasure yachts from all navigation dues (Documents 771–772)
- Special Agreement between the United States and Sweden for the arbitration
of claims growing out of the alleged detention of the motorships Kronprins Gustaf Adolf and Pacific, signed December 17, 1930 (Documents 763–770)
- Turkey: (Documents 773–800)
- Venezuela: (Documents 801–802)
- Index