
The Acting Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier (Blake)

No. 607

Sir: The Department refers to your despatches Nos. 507 and 525 of May 28 and July 19, 1930,9 respectively, concerning a prospective violation of the Act of Algeciras by the Tangier Administration in connection with a contemplated award of a concession for the distribution of electric light and power in Tangier. Your action in formally bringing this matter to the attention of the Resident-General of France, as Minister for Foreign Affairs of His Shereefian Majesty, is concurred with and approved by the Department and you should continue your efforts to obtain for any interested American interests an equal opportunity to bid in on the proposed award of concession.

Appropriate instructions are being forwarded to the American Missions at London, Paris, Madrid and Rome, requesting that this matter be taken up informally with the respective foreign offices. For the present the Department feels it will be advisable to approach the matter informally with a view to sounding out the various governments interested but at the same time making clear the position of this Government.

Very truly yours,

William R. Castle, Jr.
  1. Neither printed.