
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Edge)6

No. 303

Sir: The American Diplomatic Agent at Tangier forwarded to the Embassy copies of his despatches No. 507 and 525 of May 28 and July 19, 1930,7 respectively, concerning a prospective violation of the Act of Algeciras by the Tangier Administration in connection with a contemplated award of a concession for the distribution of electric light and power in Tangier. You are requested to discuss this question informally with the appropriate French officials, setting forth this Government’s position in the matter, which is, that awards for concessions such as that in question must be submitted to open bidding and equality of opportunity for American interests must be maintained. Mr. Blake’s despatches of May 28 and July 19 will furnish you with sufficient information with regard to this case to obviate the necessity for the Department to explain the details thereof.

A copy of a despatch on this same subject dated July 31, 1930, from the Diplomatic Agent at Tangier is enclosed for your information.8

A copy of such report as you may make to the Department should be forwarded to the Diplomatic Agent at Tangier for his information.

Very truly yours,

William R. Castle, Jr.
  1. The same, mutatis mutandis, to the Ambassadors in Great Britain, Italy, and Spain as Nos. 486, 206, and 85, respectively.
  2. Despatches not printed; for their enclosures, see supra.
  3. Not printed.