882.20/306: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Carter)

8. Your 8, January 15. Department’s telegram No. 3, January 13, was in the nature of a proposal of a business character on the part of one party to a contract, the Finance Corporation (not the National City Bank), to the other party to the contract, the Liberian Government. The Department does not agree that the transmittal of such proposals would carry the implications described in your telegram No. 8.

As you are aware, the method of approach to the Liberian Government in this matter which is outlined in Paragraph 2 of your telegram under reference is virtually the same as that which has been attempted in the past. Since, however, you are of the opinion that such a proposal now promises a measure of success, you are authorized to communicate with the Liberian Government along the lines which you suggest. In view of the fact that this matter has been long delayed, you are instructed to take early action and to report promptly.

Pending receipt of a report of the results secured by your representations, you may consider the instructions contained in the Department’s 3, January 13, as held in abeyance.

In this general connection, you may bring to the attention of the Liberian Government that Colonel Lewis has been formally nominated to the position by the President of the United States and that it is earnestly hoped that he will be able to sail not later than March 1 in accordance with tentative plans.
