882.5048/308: Telegram

The Chargé in Liberia (Reber) to the Secretary of State


129. This afternoon the President sent for me to inform me that, subject to assent of his Cabinet tomorrow, he would request that I deliver to the Government of the United States a note assuring it of his intention to fulfill the recommendations of the International Commission and to ask the aid of the United States. He added that in conjunction with Financial Adviser Loomis he had worked out a reform program, and that they had agreed upon the text of the reply to the Finance Corporation before September 30. The President appeared worried that the United States Government would not lend its assistance and expressed apprehension that foreign nations had lost confidence in his administration. Undoubtedly this program will meet with opposition from many officials of his government, Barclay in particular, and it may be exceedingly difficult for President King to put this program into effect without amending or weakening it, even though his desire for improvement is sincere. It is rumored on good authority that Barclay said the Liberian Government would never consent to the appointment of white district commissioners.

Loomis informs me that the President has sanctioned in writing the reforms proposed (see my 125, September 21, 9 p.m.), and on October 1st, John Louis Morris, now Secretary of the Interior, will replace the present Secretary of the Treasury.
