The Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Gunther)
Sir: The Department has received your despatch No. 73 of November 9, 19282 enclosing a copy of a communication addressed to the Secretary of State by the Acting Director for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Hejaz and Nejd and its Dependencies3 in which the [Page 282] question of the recognition of that Kingdom by the United States is raised.
The Department desires that the Legation should seek an early opportunity of conveying under appropriate informal circumstances and orally to the Hedjazian Agent at Cairo a message substantially to the following effect with the request that the message be duly communicated to the proper authorities at Mecca:
The Secretary of State has received and has read with appreciation the note No. 57/1/1 which His Excellency Fuad Hamza, the Acting Director for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Hejaz and Nejd and Dependencies, was good enough to address to him under date of September 29, 1928. The friendly tone of the Acting Director’s communication is much appreciated and is cordially reciprocated. The question of the recognition by the United States of the Kingdom of the Hejaz and Nejd and Dependencies is one to which the Secretary of State finds it impracticable to reply definitively at the present time. The Secretary of State feels confident, however, that at the appropriate time the question which His Excellency Fuad Hamza has raised in his esteemed communication will receive the sympathetic consideration which it deserves. Meanwhile the Secretary of State would be glad if the expression of his cordial greetings and good wishes could be conveyed to His Excellency, the Acting Director for Foreign Affairs.
I am [etc.]