890g.01/220: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes)

259. Your mail despatches No. 101, July 26, 1929 and No. 158, August 15, 1929. The alterations in the preamble to the treaty and in the protocol, proposed in the enclosures to the above mentioned despatches, are acceptable to the Department, which is also agreeable in principle to making an acknowledgment of a communication from the Iraqi plenipotentiary to the effect that Article 2 of the protocol will not override the provisions of Article 28 of the Iraqi Public Education Law of 1929. Before agreeing definitely to such an acknowledgment, however, the Department would wish to receive a draft of the communication which Jafar Pasha is instructed to make with regard to this matter. This you should endeavor to obtain as soon as possible and repeat to the Department by telegraph.

If the Iraqi communication is acceptable the Department will be prepared forthwith to proceed to the signature of the treaty and the documents accompanying it. With this in view full powers will be forwarded authorizing the Ambassador to sign as American plenipotentiary.
