- Afghanistan, adherence to treaty for the renunciation of war, 145, 150, 157, 211, 234–235
- Africa, international conventions relating to. See Convention Revising the General Act of Berlin of 1885, etc.; Liquor traffic in Africa; Slavery convention.
- Aggression, resolution of Sixth International Conference of American States concerning, 13, 204–205
- Agreements. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Albania, 157, 201–202, 845–857
- Alien Property Custodian, proposed disposition of property
held by, 459–494
- Austria: Transfer of funds to satisfy awards of Tripartite Claims Commission against Austria, 459–461, 472, 473, 474, 483–484, 487–488, 489; U. S. Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928, question of possible effect on Austrian-owned property, 467–469, 471–474
- British Public Trustee, court actions against Alien Property Custodian, U. S. memorandum concerning, 475–482; British inability to instruct Trustee to discontinue action, 489–494
- Rumanian claims to assets of Austro-Hungarian Bank, 488–489
- Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928:
- Alsace-Lorrainese claims, effect on, 465–466
- Austrian-owned property, question of possible effect on, 467–469, 471–474
- Danish representations in connection with, 463–464, 466–467
- Hungarian inquiries as to correct interpretation, 469–471, 484–485; replies, 474, 485
- Statement of U. S. Secretary of State to Senate Finance Committee, 464–465
- Swiss representations for safeguarding of rights of Swiss nationals and complete release of properties, 461–463
- U. S. legislation. See Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928, supra.
- Valuation of German shipping by Reparation Commission, information in reply to queries of War Claims Arbiter, 485–487
- Alien seamen, Senate bills for deportation of, representations to United States by European countries, 838–844
- Aliens:
- Legal protection, question of, 1013–1017
- Pan American convention regarding status of, 596–598
- U. S.-Austrian negotiations concerning rights of aliens to acquire real property on most-favored-nation basis, 926–928, 934–936, 957–959, 975; to enter United States, 929–930; to lease lands for agricultural purposes, 925–926, 934–936, 974–975
- Alsace-Lorrainese claims for release of property held by Alien Property Custodian, 465–466
- American states, conferences. See Conference of American States, Sixth International; Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration.
- Anti-war resolution of Sixth International Conference of American States, 10, 12–14, 20, 71–72, 204–205
- Arbitration:
- Boundary disputes, arbitration of. See under Boundary disputes: Guatemala–Honduras.
- Conference of American States. See Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration.
- Sixth International Conference of American States, consideration of question of arbitration, 544–545, 547, 637–638
- Treaties:
- U. S. Senate reservations in connection with U. S. ratification of certain international conventions, 427, 428, 428–429, 433, 436, 436–437, 443
- Argentina (see also Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration; and under Boundary disputes: Bolivia-Paraguay):
- Armament limitation. See Naval armament limitation; Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference.
- Arms and munitions. See Military equipment; Naval armament limitation; Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference; Special Commission for the Preparation of a Draft Convention on the Private Manufacture of Arms.
- Australia, participation in treaty for the renunciation of war, 69–71, 88, 90–95, 114–115
- Austria (see also under
Alien Property Custodian), 157, 168–170, 858–1017
- Commercial treaty with Great Britain (1924), cited, 988–989
- Debt agreement with United States:
- Negotiations: Preliminary, 859, 861, 868, 883–884, 896–897, 900–901; progress of U. S. legislation for settlement of debt and subordination of relief loans to new investment loan, 902, 903–906, 909–910, 910, 911, 912–914; submission of Austrian proposal for final settlement, 917–921; visit of Austrian Chancellor to United States, 914–917, 921–923
- Passage by U. S. Congress of joint resolution authorizing conclusion of an agreement, 923
- Investment loan, proposed:
- Control Committee of the Guarantor States for the Reconstruction of Austria, attitude, 858, 889–890, 895
- Italian opposition, 907–908, 909, 910, 910–911, 911–912
- League of Nations financial committee, policy in connection with, 872–873, 876
- Morgan & Co., J. P., negotiations in connection with, 863, 870–872, 881–882, 917
- Relief loans, Austrian desire for subordination to
investment loan:
- Consent of Reparation Commission and European creditor countries, 860, 882, 882–883, 884–885, 885–886, 887, 888, 890–891, 899; of Relief Bonds Committee, 885
- Italian attitude, 909, 910, 910–911, 911–912
- Negotiations with United States:
- Austrian requests and desire for U. S. action, 860–862, 875, 879, 883–884
- Data as to principal aspects and productivity of investment loan, 869–870, 872–879, 879–880
- U. S. legislation for deferment of liens: Discussions, preliminary, 881, 886–887, 887–888, 889, 894, 896; recommendation of Secretary of Treasury and approval of President Coolidge, 897–902; reports and discussions concerning progress of legislation through Congress, 902, 903–906, 909–910, 910, 923
- Service of loan, action of Reparation Commission excepting certain revenues for: Austrian desire and favorable attitude of Commission, 860, 906–907; opposition of Italian delegation, 907–908
- Legal protection, Austrian desire for treaty with United States granting to immigrants equal rights with citizens, 1013–1014; U. S. disinclination to enter into treaty, 1014–1017
- Military equipment, U. S. policy regarding exportation to, 335–336
- Relief Bonds Committee, International, 858–859, 863, 864–868, 876, 882, 885–886, 902, 909, 910–911, 917–918
- Relief loans (see also Debt agreement with United States, supra; and under Investment loan, supra):
- Reparations, relation to funding of relief debt, 888, 891, 891–893
- Treaties with United States (see
Debt agreement, supra):
- Arbitration and conciliation, 1008–1013
- Friendship, commerce, and consular rights,
- Aliens, right to lease lands and acquire real property, question of, 925–928, 929–930, 934–936, 957–959, 974–975
- Commercial travelers, provisions concerning, 940–943, 966–967, 970, 972–974, 980–981, 984, 985, 987–989, 991, 992, 993; most-favored-nation treatment, question of, 972–974, 984, 985, 987–989
- Consular officers, provisions regarding, 943–954, 968–969, 970–971, 981–982
- Importations and exportations, most-favored-nation provision, 960–964, 965, 975–980, 985–987, 989–990, 991
- Negotiations, 924–994
- Signature, 994
- Text signed June 19, 995–1006
- Treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 168–170
- Aviation:
- Aircraft and aircraft engines as implements of war, position of U. S. and other governments regarding provision in draft convention on the private manufacture of arms, 301–303, 304, 311–312, 319, 324–326, 329
- Commercial aviation (see also Latin America, infra): Convention signed at Sixth International Conference of American States, text, 585–595; U. S. views, 548–551
- Exportation to certain countries of aviation engines for military purposes, U. S. policy concerning, 334–336
- Latin America, activities of—
- U. S. interests, efforts to establish air lines in
Latin America, and U. S. good offices in behalf of, 775–830
- Air mail service between United States and Chile, proposed, 805–810
- Boeing Airplane Co. and Pratt and Whitney Motor Corp., expedition, 818–824
- Curtiss Co. and Consolidated Aircraft Co., demonstrations, 811–818
- Department of Commerce experimental and pathfinding flight, 811–818
- Extension of American air lines to Venezuela, possibility of, 826–830
- Huff–Daland Dusters and Keystone Airplane Corp., activities, 800–805
- Open-door policy of United States, 800, 805–806, 829
- Pan American Airways, Inc., 775–800, 808–810
- Concessions and contracts, negotiations, 778–780, 782–784, 786–787, 787–788, 790–796, 797, 798, 799, 799–800, 808–810
- Inauguration of air mail and passenger services, negotiations concerning landing privileges and other details, 781, 784–786, 787, 796–797, 798, 799
- Survey flights, U. S. assistance in necessary arrangements with various countries, 775–778, 789–790
- Pratt and Whitney Motor Corp. and Boeing Airplane Co., expedition, 818–824
- Tri-Motors Airways concession in Argentina, 825–826
- Baker, Kellogg & Co. See Brazil: Loans: Claims of American interests.
- Behn Meyer & Company vs. Miller, case cited, 462
- Belgium: Proposal at meeting of Special Commission for the Preparation of a Draft Convention on the Private Manufacture of Arms, 304, 324, 328, 329, 333; treaty for the renunciation of war, participation, 90–95, 117–118; U. S. assistance in protecting patent rights of the Symington Co. in Brazil from infringement by Belgian firm, 1028–1034; U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 497–499
- Boeing Airplane Co., expedition to Latin America, 818–824
- Bolivia (see also Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration; and under Boundary disputes): Aviation, U. S. interests, 812; military equipment, U. S. policy regarding exportation to, 335; Tacna-Arica dispute, attitude concerning proposed settlement by direct negotiation, 666–668; treaty for the renunciation of war, question of adherence, 157, 220–221; U. S. good offices in behalf of Standard Oil Co. in establishing radio station at Yacuiba, 1018
- Boundary disputes, 631, 672–775
- Bolivia–Paraguay, 631,
- Argentina, good offices:
- Conference of Boundary Commission: Resumption of negotiations, consideration of Argentine proposals of 1927, 673–674; suspension of conference, with statements of position of both delegations, 674–678
- Relation of Argentine action to that of Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration, 689–690, 694, 695
- Text of proposals of 1927, 678
- U. S. position, 683, 684, 685–686, 689–690
- Conference of American States on
Conciliation and Arbitration, good offices:
- Arrangements for tender of good offices, 690–691; willingness of Bolivia and Paraguay to accept offer, 691–692
- Attitude of Argentina, 689–690, 694, 695
- Resolution of good wishes transmitted to both countries, 684–686; acknowledgments, 686–688
- Tender of good offices, 692–694; acceptance, 694–695, 695–698
- Frontier incidents and military operations, 674, 678–680, 680–681, 688–689, 692, 694, 695
- Gondra Treaty, question of resort to proceedings established by: Paraguayan proposal, and consequent severance of diplomatic relations by Bolivia, 680, 681–682, 683; U. S. position, 680–681, 682–683, 690
- Good offices. See Argentina and Conference of American States, supra;
- Spain, infra. League of Nations, efforts for settlement, 686, 691, 698–700
- Spain, offer of good offices, 692
- Submission of dispute to United States, possibility of, 672
- Colombia–Nicaragua, conclusion of treaty settling dispute regarding ownership of San Andres Archipelago, 701–706
- Dominican Republic–Haiti, 706–712
- Guatemala–Honduras, 712–775
- Arbitration by the International
Central American Tribunal, proposed:
- Jurists, lists from which Tribunal is to be chosen, discussions, 748, 753, 755, 757, 758, 762, 770
- U. S. preliminary representations to Guatemala and Honduras, based on recommendation of U. S. representative on Boundary Commission, 733–737, 740–741, 743, 745–746; attitude of Guatemala and Honduras, 740, 744–745
- U. S. proposal: Consideration and acceptance by Guatemala, 747–748, 751, 754; negotiations with Honduras, and final Honduran rejection of proposal, 747, 749–750, 751–753, 753–754, 755–756, 758–759, 760–764, 765–767, 769–773, 773–775; text of note, 746–747
- Commission to inspect border and fix
provisional boundary line:
- Composition (see also U. S. representative, infra): Discussions concerning, 721–722; Guatemalan and Honduran members, 723, 725, 726–727
- Honduran decree dissolving its commission, 756–757, 760, 764–765, 768–769
- Honduran proposal, and request for U. S. good offices, 716–718; Guatemalan acceptance of proposal, and U. S. position, 718–722
- Negotiations (see also U. S. efforts, infra), 731–732, 737–739
- Place and time of meeting, arrangements for, 723, 725, 727, 730, 731–732
- Recess, 739, 741, 745
- U. S. efforts on behalf of final arbitration, based on inability of commission to reach agreement, 733–737, 740–741, 745–746; attitude of Guatemala and Honduras, 740, 744–745
- U. S. representative:
- Appointment and preliminary instructions. 723–725, 726, 729, 730, 732
- Authority to fix provisional line in case of disagreement, negotiations concerning, 727–730, 730–731, 732, 738–739
- Recommendation for permanent arbitration in view of difficulties involved in fixing provisional line. See U. S. efforts, supra.
- Arbitration by the International
Central American Tribunal, proposed:
- Conditions in disputed territory and alleged violations of status quo, 712–716, 741–743; 743–744; requests for U. S. good offices, and U. S. attitude, 714–715, 716, 741–743, 743–744, 756, 757–758
- Argentina, good offices:
- Bolivia–Paraguay, 631,
- Brazil (see also
Conference of American States on Conciliation and
Arbitration), 157, 161–163, 811, 817–818, 820, 1019–1034
- Aviation, U. S. interests, 811, 817–818, 820
- Loans to State of Sao Paulo, 1019–1028
- Claims of American interests against São Paulo for alleged default of obligations: Good offices of United States for settlement of matter, 1020–1022, 1024–1025, 1026–1027; U. S. refusal to disapprove a loan to. Sao Paulo because of claims, 1025–1026, 1027–1028
- Interest of Speyer & Co. in proposed loan for public works and construction:
- 1926 loan, U. S. disapproval of proposed refunding in American market, 1019–1020
- Treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 161–163
- U. S. assistance in protecting patent, rights of the Symington Co. in Brazil from infringement by Belgian firm, 1028–1034
- Bulgaria, 157, 187, 497–499,
849, 850, 1035–1038
- Recognition of Zog I, King of the Albanians, 849, 850
- Reparation payments, Greek request for an agreement among interested powers for new apportionment of, 1035–1036; U. S. disinclination to participate, 1036–1038
- Treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 187
- U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 497–499
- Canada, participation in treaty for the renunciation of war, 56–57, 58, 60, 69–71, 77–79, 90–95, 110–111
- Chile (see also Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration; Tacna-Arica controversy):
- China: Military equipment, U. S. policy regarding exportation to, 336; Nationalist Government, question of recognition, Japanese policy, 216–217, 232–233; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 212–214
- Claims. See Alien Property Custodian; and under Brazil: Loans.
- Colombia (see also Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration; and under Boundary disputes):
- Commercial treaties. See under Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Commissions, committees, etc.:
- Boundary commissions:
- Bolivia–Paraguay, 673–678
- Guatemala–Honduras. See Boundary disputes: Guatemala–Honduras: Commission.
- Tacna-Arica boundary commission, 662–663, 664–665
- Inter-American Commission on Commercial Aviation, 548–549
- International Central American Tribunal. See Boundary disputes: Guatemala–Honduras: Arbitration.
- International Commission of Jurists, 203, 536–537, 542–546
- League of Nations: Advisory Committee on Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs, 446, 455n; financial committee, 872–873,876; Permanent Central Board provided for by Geneva Opium Convention of 1925, 448–449, 452–455
- Pan American Commission on the Simplification and Standardization of Consular Procedure, 559–560
- Pan American Railway Committee, 552–553
- Permanent Commissions under art. 3 of Gondra Treaty, establishment of, 622, 644–646
- Relief Bonds Committee, 858, 863, 864–868, 876, 882, 885–886, 902, 909,910–911,917–918
- Reparation Commission (see also Austria: Investment loan), valuation of German shipping, 485–487
- Security Committee of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, 235, 236–237, 240, 246
- Special Commission for the Preparation of a Draft Convention on the Private Manufacture of Arms. See Special Commission.
- Tacna-Arica boundary commission, 662–663, 664–665
- Tripartite Claims Commission, U. S.–Austria and Hungary, 459–461, 472, 473, 474, 483–484, 487–488, 489
- Boundary commissions:
- Concessions, contracts, etc. See Pan American Airways and Tri-Motors Airways under Aviation: U. S. interests.
- Conciliation. See Albania: Treaties; Austria: Treaties: Arbitration and conciliation; Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration.
- Conference of American States, Sixth International, Habana,
Jan. 16—Feb. 20, 10,
12–14, 20, 71–72, 204–205, 527–621, 637–638
- Conventions signed Feb. 20, regarding—
- Preliminaries to assembling of conference (see also
U. S. participation, infra):
- League of Nations, question of participation:
- Program prepared by Governing Board of Pan American Union, outline, 536–539; U. S. discussion of subjects, 539–573
- Spain, desire to participate, 530, 531–532; U. S. attitude, 581–582
- U. S. opposition to participation by League of Nations or European countries, 529–533, 581–582, 583–584
- Resolutions:
- U. S. participation, plans for:
- Cuban invitation and U. S. acceptance, 527–528
- Delegation: Instructions, 534–585; personnel, 534n
- Outline of policy concerning—
- Commercial aviation, 548–551
- Communications problems, 548–554
- Economic problems, 558–568
- Frontier police, 548
- Immigration, 561–566
- Intellectual cooperation, 554–558
- Juridical matters, 542–548
- Pan American Union, 540–542, 582
- Political questions and other matters not on agenda of conference, 573–585
- Social problems, 568–572
- Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration, Washington, Dec. 10, 1928–Jan. 5, 1929 (see also under Boundary disputes: Bolivia-Paraguay), preliminary arrangements by United States, 621–644
- Conferences, international:
- American states. See Conference of American States, Sixth International; Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration; also Pan American conferences, infra.
- Copyright. See International Conference on Copyright.
- Emigration and Immigration:
- International Conference of 1924, 1013, 1014–1015
- Second International Conference. See Emigration and Immigration, Second International Conference.
- Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions, Second International Conference for the Abolition of. See Import and export prohibitions, etc.: Conference.
- Literary and artistic works, protection of. See International Conference on Copyright.
- Naval armament limitation, Three-Power Conference at Geneva (1927), 238–239, 245, 246, 268, 269, 283–284, 285
- Pan American conferences (see also Conference of American States, Sixth International; Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration): Conference of National Directors of Public Health of the American Republics, 570–571; Pan American Congress of Journalists, 557–558; Pan American Red Cross Conferences, 571–572; Pan American Sanitary Conference, Eighth, 571
- Telegraph Conference at Brussels, Sept. 10–22, U. S. participation, 455–459
- Consolidated Aircraft Co., demonstrations of planes in Latin America, 811–818
- Consular agents, Pan American convention concerning, 598–604
- Consular officers, provisions in U. S.-Austrian commercial treaty concerning, 943–954, 968–969, 970–971, 981–982
- Consular procedure, Pan American commission relating to, 559–560
- Convention Revising the General Act of Berlin of 1885 and the General Act and Declaration of Brussels of 1890, 433–443
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Coolidge, Calvin (President):
- Communication to President of Paraguay regarding boundary dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay, 689
- Franco-British compromise plan for naval limitation, correspondence with Secretary of State concerning, 267, 267–270, 278
- Message of congratulation to Zog I upon proclamation as King of the Albanians, 848; appreciation of the King and Albanian people, 848–849, 850
- Message to Congress (annual), vii–xxvi
- Message to President of France on conclusion of treaty for the renunciation of war, 153; reply, 157–158
- Recommendation for passage of legislation relating to Austrian debt to United States and proposed Austrian investment loan, 897–902
- Statement issued at time of signing of Immigration Act of 1924, 564
- Submission to the Senate of certain international conventions, 419n, 428–429, 436–437
- Copyright Union, International Convention of, as revised and signed at Rome, June 2, 398–416
- Costa Rica (see also Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration): Pan American Airways, establishment of San José-Limon air mail service, 796–797, 798, 799; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 164
- Cuba (see also Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration; Emigration and Immigration, Second International Conference):
- Curtiss Airplane and Motor Corp., demonstrations of planes in Latin America, 811–818
- Czechoslovakia, participation in treaty for the renunciation of war, 54–55, 59–60, 62, 90–95, 121–122
- Danzig, Free City of, adherence to treaty for the renunciation of war, 157
- Denmark: Claims in connection with property held by Alien Property Custodian, 463–464,466–467; representations to United States concerning Senate bill relating to payment of advance wages to seamen on foreign vessels, 836; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 176, 206; U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 497–499
- Diplomatic relations between Chile and Peru, reestablishment of, 647–660
- Disconto-Gesellschaft vs. U. S. Steel Co., case cited, 479–481, 494
- Dominican Republic (see also Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration; and under Boundary disputes): Pan American Airways, permissions in connection with inauguration of air services in Latin America, 784–785, 790, 792–793; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 198–199
- Doolittle, Lt. James H., 811, 815–818, 822
- Dual nationality, naturalization, and military service, U. S. proposals to European countries for agreements regarding, 494–505
- Duties and rights of states in the event of civil strife, Pan American convention regarding, 612–614
- Ecuador:
- Egypt, adherence to treaty for the renunciation of war, 157, 183–184, 226–227
- Emigration and Immigration, International Conference of 1924, resolution relating to legal and judicial assistance, 1013, 1014–1015
- Emigration and Immigration, Second International Conference, Habana, Mar. 31–Apr. 17, 505–527, 566
- Equality of treatment in commercial matters, U. S. policy, 434
- Estonia: Commercial treaty with United States, cited, 938–939; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 178; U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 500–505
- Ethiopia, adherence to treaty for the renunciation of war, 157, 167, 225–226
- Field, Glore & Co., 1025–1026, 1027–1028
- Finland: Treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 167–168; U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 500–505
- France (see also
Naval armament limitation: Franco-British compromise plan; Preparatory
Commission for the Disarmament Conference; Special Commission for the Preparation of a Draft Convention on the
Private Manufacture of Arms; Treaty for the
renunciation of war):
- Aviation interests in Latin America, 791–792, 803, 805, 806–807
- Films, proposed restrictions on. See under Import and export prohibitions, etc.: Conference: Negotiations.
- Recognition of Zog I, King of the Albanians, 850, 851
- Representations to United States concerning Senate bill for deportation of certain alien seamen, 839–840
- U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 499–500
- Geneva Opium Convention of 1925, 448–449, 452–455
- Germany (see also Special Commission for the Preparation of a Draft Convention on the Private Manufacture of Arms; Treaty for the renunciation of war): Armament limitation, participation in Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, 237, 247, 249, 256, 261, 262, 263–264; aviation interests in Latin America, 787, 787–788, 792, 797, 801, 803, 805, 830; commercial treaty with United States (1928), cited, 924, 925–926, 929–930, 1016–1017; military equipment, U. S. policy regarding exportation to, 335–336; representations to United States concerning Senate bill for the deportation of certain alien seamen, 839, 843–844; shipping, valuation by Reparation Commission, 485–487
- Gondra Treaty (1923) (see also under
Boundary disputes: Bolivia-Paraguay):
- Establishment of Permanent Commissions in accordance with art. 3, 622, 644–646
- U. S. efforts to secure ratification by all signatories prior to meeting of Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration, 622, 623; position of various countries, 624–628, 631, 633, 634, 635, 636–637, 638–639, 640, 642–643
- Good offices. See Aviation: U. S. interests; Bolivia: U. S. good offices; Brazil: Loans: Claims of American interests; Chile: Diplomatic relations; Boundary disputes: Guatemala–Honduras; also under Boundary disputes: Bolivia–Paraguay.
- Great Britain (see also Alien Property Custodian: British Public Trustee; Naval armament limitation; Franco-British compromise plan; Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference; Special Commission for the Preparation of a Draft Convention on the Private Manufacture of Arms; Treaty for the renunciation of war): Commercial treaty with Austria (1924), cited, 988–989; Pan American Airways, desire for use of landing facilities in British Honduras, 784, 796; recognition of Zog I, King of the Albanians, 850, 851; representations to United States concerning certain Senate bills relating to seamen, 831–832, 838–839, 840–842; U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 497–499
- Greece:
- Bulgarian reparation payments, desire for agreement among interested powers for new apportionment of, 1035–1036; U. S. disinclination to participate, 1036–1038
- Recognition of Zog I, King of the Albanians, 847, 849, 850
- Treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 189–191
- U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 499–500
- Guatemala (see also Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration; and under Boundary disputes): Pan American Airways, efforts to secure contract, 778–780, 788; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 192
- Hague Opium Convention of 1912, narcotic control based on principles of, 444–455
- Haiti (see also Boundary disputes: Dominican Republic–Haiti; Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration):
- Hedjaz and Nejd, Kingdom of the, adherence to treaty for the renunciation of war, 157
- Helium gas, U. S. reservation concerning exportation, 376, 388, 391
- Honduras (see also Boundary disputes: Guatemala-Honduras; Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration):
- Huff–Daland Dusters, interest in establishing air lines in Latin America, 800–805
- Hungary: Inquiries as to interpretation of U. S. legislation concerning disposition of property held by Alien Property Custodian, 469–471, 474, 484–485; military equipment, U. S. policy regarding exportation to, 335–336; recognition of Zog I, King of the Albanians, 847, 849, 850; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 217–219
- Iceland, adherence to treaty for the renunciation of war, 157, 227–228
- Immigration (see also Emigration and Immigration): Immigration Act of 1924, 563–564; international aspects, U. S. position, 561–566; legal protection to immigrants, U. S. disinclination to enter into a treaty with Austria relating to, 1013–1017
- Import and export prohibitions and restrictions, abolition
of, 336–398
- Conference, Second International, Geneva, July 3–19 (see also
Convention, infra):
- Agreements on hides and bones, signed by certain states, 394
- Date and agenda, 369–370
- Negotiations in connection with
international convention signed Nov. 8,
- Exceptions requested by certain states under art. 6 of convention: Negotiations, 388–389, 390–391, 392–393, 395, 396; U. S. position, 367, 371, 373–380, 381, 382–383, 396
- French proposed restrictive measures applying to films: French inquiry to League of Nations, 366–367, 368; U. S. position, 368–369, 372–373, 378, 381, 382, 383–387, 390, 396–397
- Ratification of convention, plan for, 380–381, 392, 393–394, 394–395, 395–396, 397–398
- Signature of agreement, July 11, 1928, supplementary to convention, 398
- U. S. delegation:
- Convention, international (see also Conference: Negotiations, supra):
- Conference, Second International, Geneva, July 3–19 (see also
Convention, infra):
- India, participation in treaty for the renunciation of war, 69–71, 89, 90–95, 116–117
- International Acceptance Bank, 1025–1026, 1027–1028
- International Conference on Copyright, Rome, May 7–June 2, 398–416
- International law, codification, 542–544, 545–546
- Iraq, adherence to treaty for the renunciation of war, 157
- Irish Free State, participation in treaty for the renunciation of war, 69–71, 76, 90–95, 109
- Italy (see also
Special Commission for the Preparation of a Draft
Convention on the Private Manufacture of Arms; Treaty for the renunciation of war):
- Armament limitation: Attitude toward Franco-British compromise plan for naval limitation, 280–281; participation in Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, 252, 262
- Austria, relations with: Attitude toward Austrian proposal for settlement of relief debts, 902–903; claim against Austria for army costs, question of priority over relief bonds, 892, 893–894; opposition to proposed Austrian investment loan, 907–908, 909, 910, 910–911, 911–912
- Consular convention with United States, 1878, cited, 833–834; supplemental convention of 1881, cited, 837
- Invitation to United States to participate in International Conference on Copyright, and U. S. acceptance, 398–400
- Recognition of Zog I, King of the Albanians, 847, 849, 850
- Representations to United States concerning Senate bill relating to payment of advance wages to seamen on foreign vessels, 833–834, 834; U. S. reply, 836–837
- U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 499–500
- Jackson et al. vs. the Archimedes, case cited, 831
- Japan (see also
Special Commission for the Preparation of a Draft
Convention on the Private Manufacture of Arms; Treaty for the renunciation of war):
- Armament limitation: Participation in fifth session of Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, 252; Geneva naval conference (1927), 238–239, 289
- China, Japanese policy concerning recognition of Nationalist Government, 216–217, 232–233
- Commercial treaty with United States (1911), cited, 925
- Kellogg Pact. See Treaty for the renunciation of war.
- Keystone Airplane Corp., interest in establishing air lines in Latin America, 800–805
- Latin America (see also under Aviation): Arms and munitions embargoes, U. S., 334–335, 577; political relationships, 573–574; territorial and political integrity of Latin American nations, discussion of, 577–578; trade with United States, 584–585
- Latvia: Treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 208; U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 500–505
- League of Nations (see also Import and export prohibitions, etc.; Narcotic drugs; Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference; Special Commission for the Preparation of a Draft Convention on the Private Manufacture of Arms; and under Conference of American States, Sixth International: Preliminaries; also under Treaty for the renunciation of war): Efforts for settlement of boundary dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay, 686, 691, 698–700; financial committee, policy in connection with Austrian proposed investment loan, 872–873, 876
- Liberia, adherence to treaty for the renunciation of war, 157, 159–161
- Limitation of armament. See Naval armament limitation; Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference.
- Liquor traffic in Africa, convention relating to,426–433
- Literary and artistic works, convention for protection of, as revised and signed at Rome, June 2: International conference for revision of convention of Berlin of 1908, 398–402; text, 403–416
- Lithuania: Treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 188–189; U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 500–505
- Loans. See Investment loan and Relief loans under Austria; also under Brazil.
- Luxemburg, adherence to treaty for the renunciation of war, 157, 179
- Maritime neutrality, Pan American convention concerning, 604–612
- Mexico (see also Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration): Military equipment, U. S. [Page 1052] policy regarding exportation to, 335; Pan American Airways, permission to fly over territory, 781; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 202–206, 214, 221–222, 229–230
- Military equipment, U. S. policy regarding exportation to certain countries, 334–336, 577
- Military service, naturalization, and dual nationality, U. S. proposals to European countries for agreements regarding, 494–505
- Monroe Doctrine, 40, 49–50, 578–581
- Morgan & Co., J. P., negotiations in connection with proposed Austrian investment loan, 863, 870–872, 881–882, 917
- Morocco, 150–151, 152
- Most-favored-nation principle, U. S.-Austrian negotiations, 960–964, 965, 972–980, 984, 985–990, 991
- Narcotic drugs, U. S. interest in efforts of League of
Nations to control traffic in, 444–455
- Advisory Committee on Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs, U. S. unofficial observers at meetings of, 446, 455n
- Permanent Central Board provided for by Geneva Opium Convention of 1925: American member, appointment by League Council, 452; U. S. nonacceptance of invitation to participate in selection of, 448–449, 452–455
- Résumé of U. S. policy, 444–446, 449
- U. S. communications to insurance companies regarding “dangerous drug clause” in contracts, 446–447
- U. S. permission for visit by a League commission to study control of opium smoking in Philippine Islands, 449–452
- Naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, U. S. proposals to European countries for agreements and treaties regarding, 494–505; draft treaty of naturalization, 503–505
- Naval armament limitation:
- Discussions in connection with meetings of Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference (see also Franco-British compromise plan, infra), 238–239, 244, 245–246, 256–257, 258–259, 261, 262–263
- Franco-British compromise plan, 258, 259,
- Italian attitude, 280–281
- Texts of notes exchanged between Great Britain and France, 286–290
- U. S. position: British and French submission of draft to United States for suggestions, 264–265, 271–272; nature and scope of plan, U. S. inquiries and British explanations, 266–267, 267, 272–278; President Coolidge’s attitude, and communications with Secretary of State, 267, 267–270, 278; rejection of plan, 258, 259, 278–279, 281–286, 291
- Three-Power Conference at Geneva (1927), 238–239, 245, 246, 268, 269, 283–284, 285
- U. S. Congress, resolution favoring abolition of submarines by all nations, 291–292
- Netherlands (see also Special Commission for the Preparation of a Draft Convention on the Private Manufacture of Arms): Armament limitation, participation in Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, 252; representations to United States concerning certain Senate bills relating to seamen, 835, 842–843; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 166; U. S. proposal for convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 500–505
- New Zealand, participation in treaty for the renunciation of war, 69–71, 87–88, 90–95, 115
- Nicaragua (see also Boundary disputes: Colombia–Nicaragua; Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration):
- Norway: Representations to United States concerning Senate bill for deportation of certain alien seamen, 844; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 161; U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 497–499
- Open-door policy of United States, U. S. aviation interests in Latin America, 800, 805–806, 829
- Opium. See Narcotic drugs.
- Pan American Airways, Inc. See under Aviation: U. S. interests.
- Pan American league of nations, proposed, U. S. views, 574–577
- Pan American Sanitary Code, 568–570
- Pan American Union. See Conference of American States, Sixth International.
- Panama (see also Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration), adherence to treaty for the renunciation of war, 157, 163
- Paraguay (see also Boundary disputes: Bolivia-Paraguay; Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration), adherence to treaty for the renunciation of war, 157, 231–232
- Patent rights of Symington Co. in Brazil, U. S. assistance in protecting from infringement by Belgian firm, 1028–1034
- Persia, adherence to treaty for the renunciation of war, 157, 214–215
- Peru (see also Chile: Diplomatic relations between Chile and Peru; Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration; Tacna-Arica controversy):
- Philippine Islands, interest of League of Nations in Philippine system of control of opium smoking, 449–452
- Poland: Treaty for the renunciation of war, participation, 63–66, 83–84, 90–95, 118–119; U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 499–500
- Portugal: Treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 134–135, 139, 157, 186; U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 497–499
- Pratt and Whitney Motor Corp., 818–824
- Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference (see also
Naval armament limitation), 171–172, 173,235–264
- Fifth session:
- Agenda, provisional, 240, 246–247
- Discussions and negotiations concerning—
- Capital ships, British proposal and U. S. attitude, 245–246, 256–257
- Renunciation of war, 243–244, 247–249, 253
- Russian proposals for immediate and complete disarmament: Attitude of United States and of other governments, 236, 243, 246–247, 249–255, 255–256; Russian position, 171–172, 173; summary of proposals, 240–241
- Second reading of draft disarmament convention, 240, 242, 243, 247, 255
- Security Committee, 235, 236–237, 240, 246
- U. S. participation and policy (see also Discussions, supra), 235–239, 242–244
- Sixth session, plans for: Decision as to date, 263–264; proposals and suggestions, 255, 257–258, 258–261; U. S. position, 258, 261–263, 264
- Fifth session:
- Radio station at Yacuiba, Bolivia, establishment by Standard Oil Co., 1018
- Recognition of—
- Relief loans. See under Austria.
- Renunciation of war. See Treaty for the renunciation of war.
- Reparation Commission (see also Austria: Investment loan), valuation of German shipping, 485–487
- Reparations: Austrian relief debt, relation to, 888, 891, 891–893; Bulgarian payments, U. S. disinclination to participate in an agreement for new apportionment of 1035–1038
- Rollins & Sons, E. H., proposed refunding of São Paulo loan of 1926, 1019–1020
- Rumania: Claims to certain funds held by Alien Property Custodian, 488–489; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 176–178; U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 500–505
- Russia:
- Armament limitation, proposals at fifth session of Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference: Attitude of United States and other governments, 236, 243, 246–247, 249–255, 255–256; Russian position, 171–172, 173; summary of proposals, 240–241
- Military equipment, U. S. policy regarding exportation to, 335
- Treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 125–126, 127, 128, 137, 140, 142–143, 144–145, 157, 170–175
- Salvador (see also Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration): Commercial treaty with United States, cited, 938–939; treaty for the renunciation of war, question of adherence, 157, 233
- Seamen, alien, Senate bills for deportation of, representations to United States by European countries, 838–844
- Seamen on foreign vessels, Senate bill relating to payment of advance wages to, 830–838
- Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Kingdom of the. See Yugoslavia.
- Shipping, German, valuation by Reparation Commission, 485–487
- Siam, adherence to treaty for the renunciation of war, 157, 210
- Slavery convention, international, 417–426
- Spain:
- Desire to participate in Sixth International Conference of American States, 530, 531–532; U. S. attitude, 581–582
- Offer of good offices in boundary dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay, 692
- Treaty for the renunciation of war:
- Adherence, 157, 180–181
- Participation as an original signatory, desire for. See under Treaty for the renunciation of war.
- U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 499–500
- Special Commission for the Preparation of a Draft Convention
on the Private Manufacture of Arms and Ammunition and of Implements of War,
second and third sessions, 292–333
- Aircraft, U. S. position, 301–303, 304, 311–312, 319, 329; attitude of other governments, 304, 324–326, 329
- Belgian proposal regarding analysis of categories of arms, plan for meeting of experts to discuss, 304, 324, 328, 329, 333
- Date of second session, 292; of third session, 314
- Drafts of convention:
- Publicity for government manufacture as well as private manufacture of arms, U. S. position, 293, 318, 320, 321–323; attitude of other governments, 293, 306–307, 326, 331
- U. S. representative:
- Speyer & Co., interest in proposed loan to State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1022–1024, 1025
- Standard Oil Co., establishment of radio station at Yacuiba, Bolivia, 1018
- Submarines (see also Naval armament limitation), resolution of Congress favoring abolition by all nations, 291–292
- Sweden: Armament limitation, participation in Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, 252; representations to United States concerning certain Senate bills relating to seamen, 834–835, 842; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 175; U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 497–499
- Switzerland: Properties of nationals held by Alien Property Custodian, representations to United States concerning, 461–463; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 163–164
- Symington Co., patent rights in Brazil, U. S. assistance in protecting from infringement by Belgian firm, 1028–1034
- Tacna-Arica controversy, beginning of direct negotiations between Chile and Peru at U. S. suggestion (see also Chile: Diplomatic relations between Chile and Peru), 660–671
- Telegraph Conference, International, Brussels, Sept. 10–22, U. S. participation, 455–459
- Three-Power Conference at Geneva for Limitation of Naval Armament (1927), 238–239, 245, 246, 268, 269, 283–284, 285
- Treaties, conventions, etc. (see also
Conference of American States, Sixth
- Arbitration and conciliation:
- Gondra Treaty (1923). See Gondra Treaty.
- U. S.–Albania, treaties signed Oct. 22, 852–857
- U. S.–Austria, treaties signed Aug. 16, 1008–1013
- Arms Traffic Convention of 1925, cited, 293, 294, 301–302, 310, 312
- Boundary treaty between Colombia and Nicaragua, concluded Mar. 24, 701–706
- Civil procedure, convention of July 17, 1905, cited, 1014, 1015
- Commercial treaties between—
- Convention Revising the General Act of Berlin of 1885 and the General Act and Declaration of Brussels of 1890: Text signed Sept. 10, 1919, 437–443; U. S. ratification, 433–437, 443
- Copyright Union, International Convention of, as revised and signed at Rome, June 2: Conference for the Revision of the Convention of 1908, 398–402; text, 403–416
- Geneva Opium Convention of 1925, 448–449, 452–455
- Gondra Treaty (1923). See Gondra Treaty.
- Hague Opium Convention of 1912, narcotic control based on principles of, 444–455
- Import and export prohibitions and restrictions. See Import and export prohibitions, etc.: Convention.
- Industrial property, convention for protection of (1911), cited, 1029, 1033–1034
- Intellectual property, inter-American convention (1910), proposed revision, 555–556
- Liquor traffic in Africa, convention relating to: Text signed Sept. 10, 1919, 429–433; U. S. ratification, 426–429, 433
- Literary and artistic works, protection of. See Copyright Union, supra.
- Locarno treaties. See Treaty for the renunciation of war: League of Nations covenant and Locarno treaties.
- Naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, U. S. proposals to European countries for agreements and treaties regarding, 494–505; draft treaty of naturalization, 503–505
- Pan American conventions. See Conference of American States, Sixth International: Conventions; Gondra Treaty.
- Renunciation of war. See Treaty for the renunciation of war.
- Slavery convention, international: Text signed Sept. 25, 1926, 419–426; U. S. adherence, 417–419, 426
- St. Germain, Treaty of, cited, 335, 937–938
- Treaty to avoid or prevent conflicts between the American States. See Gondra Treaty.
- Trianon, Treaty of, cited, 335
- U. S.–Albania. See under Albania.
- U. S.–Argentina, commercial treaty of 1853, cited, 926
- U. S.–Austria. See under Austria.
- U. S.–Estonia, commercial treaty, cited, 938–939
- U. S.–Germany, commercial treaty of 1928, cited, 924, 925–926, 929–930, 1016–1017
- U. S.–Italy, consular convention of 1878, cited, 833–834; supplemental convention of 1881, cited, 837
- U. S.–Japan, commercial treaty of 1911, cited, 925
- U. S.–Salvador, commercial treaty, cited, 938–939
- U. S.–Turkey, amity and general relations (1923), cited, 926–927
- Versailles Treaty, cited, 335
- Arbitration and conciliation:
- Treaty for the renunciation of war, signed at Paris, Aug. 27, 1–235, 243–244, 247–249, 253, 629, 678, 688, 690
- Adherences:
- Invitations to adhere:
- Notifications of adherence, 158–184, 186–199, 201–215, 217–222, 225–230, 231–232, 233–235; position of Argentina, 157, 184–185, 199–201, 222–225, 230–231
- Procedure for deposit of instruments of adherence, 207, 214, 221–222, 227, 229–230
- Provision for expediting adherence by countries other than original signatories, 140, 143–144, 145–147
- British Empire, participation of countries as original signatories. See Preliminary drafts: Invitation, infra; also Revised U. S. draft, infra.
- Dates of ratification by various countries, 156–157
- Japanese position with respect to ratification, 215–217; U. S. attitude, 232–233
- League of Nations covenant and Locarno treaties, question of compatibility with proposed treaty: Consideration of question by a commission of legal experts, proposed, 41–42, 45–46, 47–48, 49, 50, 52, 53–54, 56, 57–58, 62–63; discussions and opinions of various governments, 6–11, 18, 22, 31, 35, 37, 39, 40, 43, 48, 67–68, 68–69, 73–74, 75, 76, 78, 84, 90, 102–103, 107, 109, 113, 114–115, 116, 118, 119, 122, 131, 177, 194, 215, 224–225
- Locarno powers, participation as original signatories. See Preliminary drafts: Views, infra; also Revised U. S. draft, infra.
- Locarno treaties. See League of Nations covenant and Locarno treaties, supra.
- Negotiations. See Preliminary discussions, Preliminary drafts, and Revised U. S. draft, infra.
- Portugal, desire to participate as an original signatory, 134–135; U. S. position, 139
- Preliminary discussions between United States and France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, and Japan, based on Briand proposal and U. S. counterproposal of 1927, 1–20
- Preliminary drafts of treaty, negotiations
- Correspondence between United States and France (from June 1927) and U. S. draft,
submission to Great Britain, Germany, Italy, and Japan:
- Decision to submit correspondence and draft, 3–5, 9–11, 15–19, 21, 24–27
- Text of draft and note of submission, 21–24; arrangements for delivery to Foreign Offices, 27–28
- Views of Germany, 29–31, 35, 42–44, 47, 53; Great Britain, 35, 40, 44–45, 66–69; Italy, 35,45, 55–56; Japan, 28–29, 35, 75–76, 84–86
- French draft, submission to United States, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, and Japan: Information concerning, 26, 31–32; text, 32–34; U. S. views concerning draft, 34–39
- Invitation to countries of British Empire to participate in treaty as original signatories: Acceptances, 76–79, 87–90; British Government’s suggestion as to procedure in extending invitations, 69; preliminary discussions in regard to Canadian participation, 56–57, 58, 60; text of note, and arrangements for delivery, 69–71
- Points of difference, discussions and opinions of United States and other powers, 34–42, 44–55, 56, 57–58, 59–60, 61–63, 66–69, 71, 72–74, 79–83, 84–85, 86–87
- Proposal to submit certain questions to a commission of jurists, 41–42, 45–46, 47–48, 49, 50, 52, 53–54, 56, 57–58, 62–63
- Views of Czechoslovak Foreign Minister, 54–55, 59–60, 62; of Polish Government, 63–66, 83–84
- Correspondence between United States and France (from June 1927) and U. S. draft,
submission to Great Britain, Germany, Italy, and Japan:
- Ratifications, information concerning, 156–157
- Revised U. S. draft, submission to fourteen countries:
- Signature of treaty:
- Spain, question of participation as an original signatory:
- Speech of Secretary Kellogg, Apr. 28, 41, 49, 59, 63, 66, 67, 68, 80,84, 91
- Text signed Aug. 27, 153–156
- Adherences:
- Tri-Motors Airways, concession in Argentina, 825–826
- Turkey: Armament limitation, participation in Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, 249; treaty of amity and general relations with United States (1923), cited, 926–927; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 195–196
- Ulen & Co. See Brazil: Loans: Claims of American interests.
- Union of South Africa, participation in treaty for the renunciation of war, 69–71, 89–95, 115–116
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Russia.
- Uruguay (see also Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration): Aviation, U. S. interests, 813, 815–816, 824; recognition of Zog I, King of the Albanians, 850; treaty for the renunciation of war, question of adherence, 157, 208–209
- U. S. Congress:
- House joint resolution favoring abolition of submarines by all nations, approval by Secretary of State, 291–292
- Legislation relating to Austrian debt to United States and subordination of relief loans to proposed new investment loan. See Debt agreement and Investment loan under Austria.
- Resolutions recommending negotiation of agreements with other countries regarding naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 494–505
- Senate bill relating to payment of advance wages to seamen on foreign vessels, 830–838; bills for the deportation of certain alien seamen, 838–844
- Senate reservations concerning certain international conventions, 426, 427, 428, 428–429, 433, 436, 436–437, 443
- Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928. See under Alien Property Custodian.
- U. S. Department of Commerce, experimental and pathfinding flight to Latin America, 811–818
- U. S. Navy Department, work of Navy officials in connection with plans for submission to Disarmament Conference, 268, 269
- U. S. Supreme Court, decisions cited, 462, 479–481, 494, 831
- Venezuela (see also Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration): Aviation, possible extension of American air lines to Venezuela, 826–830; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 189
- War, treaty for renunciation of. See Treaty for the renunciation of war.
- War claims. See Alien Property Custodian.
- War debt, Austrian. See Debt agreement and Relief loans under Austria.
- Yugoslavia: Recognition of Zog I, King of the Albanians, 849–850, 851; treaty for the renunciation of war, adherence, 157, 193–195; U.S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 499–500