474.00 R 29/116

The Greek Minister (Simopoulos) to the Secretary of State

No. 841

The Minister of Greece presents his compliments to His Excellency, the Secretary of State, and has the honor, by direction of his Government, to lay the following before him:

As Your Excellency is aware, according to Article 23 of the Agreement of January 14, 1925, between the Allied and Associated Powers,1 concerning apportionment under the Dawes Plan, which Article has to do with Bulgarian payments, the said payments are distributed, up to December 31, 1926, in the ratios specified by Article 2 of the Spa Protocol.2 A new apportionment is contemplated after that date.

Pending such new apportionment, the amounts available have been deposited by the Reparation Commission in the National City Bank of New York, at the interest of 2½% per annum.

In the same bank there has been deposited an amount of $31,500 derived from liquidated Bulgarian war materiel. At the suggestion of the economic offices of the Reparation Commission, the question has been raised of converting these available moneys into short-term, interest-bearing securities, such, for instance, as United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness.

The Government of the Republic has the honor to request of the Powers signatory to the Agreement referred to above, that steps be taken, either by calling a Conference, or by any other method judged to be proper, to effect a new apportionment of Bulgarian payments.

It reserves the right to request also that the share of Greece, set by the Spa Agreement at 12.7%, be increased on the strength of new factors which it will bring forward at the proper time and place, especially on account of the amounts awarded to it by the Arbitrator [Page 1036] appointed by Mr. Ador,3 or which were due to it under the head of damages during the pre-belligerent period from October 11, 1915 to June 27, 1917, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Annex to Part IX, Section IV of the Treaty of Neuilly,4 and with the decision of The Hague Court, on September 12, 1924,5 bringing that category of claims within the aggregate reparations contemplated by Articles 121 and 122 of the Treaty of Neuilly.

  1. Foreign Relations, 1925, vol. ii, p. 160.
  2. Signed July 16, 1920; ibid., 1920, vol. ii, pp. 406, 407.
  3. Gustave Ador, President of the Swiss Confederation for 1919 and afterward president of the International Red Cross at Geneva.
  4. Signed Nov. 27, 1919; text in S. Doc. 7, 67th Cong., 1st sess., p. 113.
  5. Collection of Judgments, Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice, Series A. No. 3, p. 9.