832.542 Symington Co./6

The General Counsel of The Symington Company (Mechlin) to the Secretary of State

Sir: I wish to advise that the Brazilian situation, brought to your attention by my letter of February 28th, 1928,16 has been adjusted to our satisfaction in the following manner:

Familleureux, the Belgian manufacturer, has recognized the validity of the Brazilian patents owned by the Symington Company and has agreed to pay us a royalty for the right to manufacture and import into Brazil Farlow tandem draft gear attachments and journal box lids.

Permit me to express to you and to the Department the deep appreciation of the officials of the Symington Company for your kind offices in our behalf, without which we would not have been able to carry the matter to its present satisfactory conclusion.

Yours respectfully,

Ernest F. Mechlin
  1. Not printed.