
The Minister in Albania (Hart) to the Secretary of State

No. 510

Sir: Supplemental to my despatch No. 502 of August 28, 1928,3 with reference to the proposed early change of the form of government in Albania, I have the honor to report that the decision to proclaim Ahmet Zogu the King two days hence, or on Saturday, September 1, appears to be final.

[Page 846]

For the last two days the Constituent Assembly has had before it a motion made by Feizi bey Alizotti to give the new monarch the title of “King of the Albanians.” Two or three dissenting voices were hissed down and the title is likely to be approved, as a consequence of which Yugoslavia may take abundant time to investigate the inception of this idea.

My Yugoslav colleague said today that the question is one that calls for consideration and that his government will take time to satisfy itself that there is not something sinister about this proposed title which in effect would make the new monarch the king of all Albanians either inside or outside Albania.

The Constituent Assembly, according to the present schedule, will adjourn on Saturday, September 1, after revising the form of government and writing Ahmet Zogu’s name into the constitution as King. Ilias Vrioni, Minister for Foreign Affairs, informs me that the King will take the title of Zogu I.

I have [etc.]

Cha[rle]s C. Hart
  1. Not printed.