820.7961 Dept. of Commerce Flight/25
The Chargé in Uruguay (Gade) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 6.]
Sir: Reference is made to the Department’s instructions Nos. 1 of January 7, 8 p.m., 1928 (telegraphic)94 and 125 of March 1, [Page 816] 1928,95 regarding the expeditions of the aviators Lieutenant J. H. Doolittle and Lieutenant Leigh Wade, respectively.
In this connection I have the honor to report that Lieutenants Doolittle and Wade arrived in Montevideo by airplane on the morning of June 6th and were met at the Military Aviation School by the Commercial Attaché and myself. In the afternoon Lieut. Doolittle demonstrated a Curtiss Hawk Pursuit Plane, and Lieut. Wade a Consolidated Aircraft Company Training Airplane before the Minister of War and Marine, the Chief of the Military Aviation Corps, and various naval and military aviators. The demonstration was highly successful and the military authorities expressed their admiration for the qualities of the machines and the skill displayed by the pilots.
Lieutenant Doolittle expects to return in the near future with his airplane equipped with pontoons, and Lieut. Wade plans to pass through Montevideo en route to Rio de Janeiro.
I have [etc.]