701.2325/18a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru ( Moore )


58. Upon receiving this morning Peru’s acceptance of my suggestion that Chile and Peru reestablish diplomatic relations through an exchange of diplomatic representatives, I called in the Chilean and Peruvian Ambassadors and told them that my proposal had been accepted by both Governments without conditions, and that, while I should be glad, of course, to render them any possible assistance in the way of making arrangements regarding requests for agréments, I suggested that they would probably be able to arrange this matter themselves. As a result of this conference, both Ambassadors said that they would immediately cable their Governments and ask for the earliest date on which they would be ready to request agrément for their representative to the other country, and also the name of the person proposed for this office. Both Ambassadors will meet again when they receive answers to their requests. They will keep the Department informed, and will advise each other of the name of the proposed representative. Both Ambassadors will suggest to their [Page 653] Governments that they consider the question of giving the representatives the rank of Ambassador. I told the Ambassadors that while that of course was not a matter on which I was entitled to comment, nevertheless, I thought that this would be a very nice solution. Repeated to Chile as instruction No. 48.
