500.A15Franco–British/6: Telegram

The Secretary of State to President Coolidge

Of course, I shall make no commitments whatever concerning the limitation of armaments and while abroad shall not even discuss it or any other question. The note which Great Britain sent me suggests a [Page 268] basis for limitation of surface vessels below ten thousand tons armed with guns of more than six inch and up to eight inch calibre and for ocean going submarines over six hundred tons. It makes no suggestion as to total tonnage or ratio. The memorandum is somewhat obscure. After consulting with the Navy, I am simply asking the British Government to explain certain provisions in order that we may discuss it intelligently with the Navy. I am making no suggestions to Great Britain. I have no idea when the next preliminary conference35 will meet. Probably not until some time late in the Autumn. Will write you fully as soon as I can have further conversation with Navy officials.

  1. i. e., the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference.