The Minister in Bulgaria (Wilson) to the Secretary of
Sofia, September 5,
[Received September 26.]
No. 1320
Sir: Referring to the Legation’s Despatch
No. 1315 of the third instant and confirming the Legation’s telegram
No. 21 of to-day’s date,54 I have the honor to enclose, herewith, a
translation of the note from the Minister for Foreign Affairs
accepting the invitation extended to Bulgaria to become a signatory
of the Anti-War Pact signed at Paris on August 27, 1928.
I also have the honor to enclose, herewith, a number of translations
from the newspapers commenting upon the adhesion of Bulgaria to the
I have [etc.]
The Bulgarian Minister for Foreign
Affairs (Bouroff) to the
American Minister (Wilson)
Sofia, September 5,
No. 9480 I
Mr. Minister: I have the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of your Note No. 727, dated August 27th,
in which Your Excellency was so kind as to notify me of the
signature at Paris of the Treaty for the renunciation of war,
and enclosing at the same time the text of this Treaty, to be
submitted to the examination and approval of the Royal
In thanking you for your kind communication, I hasten to inform
Your Excellency that the Council of Ministers, at its meeting
yesterday, unanimously approved the adherence of Bulgaria to the
above mentioned Treaty, in accordance with paragraph 2 of
Article 3.
The Bulgarian representative at Washington will shortly receive
the necessary instructions on this subject, and all the
formalities, prescribed by the laws in force in the Kingdom for
such cases, will be carried out with the least possible
I avail myself [etc.]