711.0012Anti-War/260: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Herrick) to the Secretary of State


248. Department’s No. 277, August 17, 1 p.m. As instructed, I immediately informed French Foreign Office. Latter expressed real consternation and most earnest hope that we would not follow course outlined.

Léger20 said he felt sure Briand could never give his consent to this step, which would necessarily create gravest difficulties for France. Reference was made to French protectorate established March 30, 1912, by treaty which conferred upon France Morocco’s diplomatic representation, and Foreign Office also referred to drafting and signature of Versailles treaty and treaty of St. Germain, at which, although specific articles refer to Morocco, the Shereefian Government was not represented.

The seriousness with which Foreign Office appears to regard this new development cannot be overemphasized.

  1. M. Alexis Léger, Assistant Director of Political and Commercial Affairs and Chief of Cabinet, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.