The Secretary of the Navy (Daniels) to the Secretary of State
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of February 15, 1921, relative to the agreement between the French Department of Posts and Telegraphs and the Navy Department, for reciprocal use of the Lafayette and Annapolis Radio Stations in the transmission of official messages of the two Governments.
From your letter above referred to, it would appear that your understanding as to the Station which the French Department of Posts and Telegraphs suggests for the purpose mentioned in Article 2 of the proposed agreement is not quite the same as that held by the Navy Department, as it appears to this Department that the French Department of Posts and Telegraphs do not feel that it is at all desirable to use the Lafayette (Bordeaux) Station for transmitting radiograms to ships. It is believed, however, that the Department of Posts and Telegraphs of France intend using the high power station at Lyons very probably for the transmission of official radiograms addressed to Naval vessels. The designation of the Lafayette Station for the purposes mentioned in paragraph two of the tentative draft of agreement is, of course, greatly to be desired, owing to the greater range of that Station and consequent better service in transmission of official despatches to United States Naval vessels.
Any steps which the Department of State may be able to take to bring about the designation of the Lafayette Radio Station for the purposes mentioned in paragraph two of the proposed agreement will be greatly appreciated by this Department.
Very respectfully,