- Abyssinia. See Ethiopia.
- Afghanistan, reception by President Harding of diplomatic mission, 258–262
- All America Cables, Inc., 263–265, 808–815
- American Red Cross, debt to Chinese Eastern Railway, 606
- Amory oil concession. See under Costa Rica.
- Ancon, treaty of (1883). See under Tacna-Arica question.
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., 649–650
- Anglo-Japanese Alliance, discussion, 19–20, 22–23, 29, 35–36, 52, 53, 73, 82–83
- Arbitration:
- Amory oil concession. See under Costa Rica.
- Boundary disputes. See Boundary disputes and Tacna-Arica question.
- Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co. See under Ecuador.
- Pinto-Greulich oil concession. See under Costa Rica.
- Royal Bank of Canada claims. See under Costa Rica.
- Argentina, confirmation of cable-landing concession to All America Cables, Inc. (Central & South American Telegraph Co.), 263–265
- Armament, Conference on Limitation of. See Conference on Limitation of Armament.
- Arms and munitions (see also China: Arms and munitions embargo), convention of 1919 for control of trade in, cited, 549
- Asylum. See under China.
- Australia: Expatriation of certain U. S. citizens, 266–269; Japanese policy toward, 52; representation at Conference on Limitation of Armament, 26, 28, 32, 36, 37, 39, 46–47, 48, 49, 50, 53–54, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 71, 72
- Austria: Resumption of diplomatic relations with United States, 270, 278–279; treaty with United States establishing friendly relations (Aug. 24, 1921), 270, 271–278, 279
- Belgium: Mandate for Belgian East Africa, 133–136; participation in Conference on Limitation of Armament, 30, 34–35, 39, 66–67, 74, 75, 76–77
- Bolivia (see also Tacna-Arica question): Presidential election, 281; railway strike, 281, 282; recognition of Saavedra government, 281–287
- Bonds. See Loans.
- Boundary disputes (see also
Tacna-Arica question):
- Costa Rica–Panama:
- Arbitration by League of Nations, question of, 190, 223–224
- Boundary commission, 188, 214, 216, 218, 219, 220–222, 227–228
- Good offices, U. S., 175, 190–191, 204, 217, 218, 223–224
- Hay–Bunau Varilla treaty (Panama Canal treaty) of 1903, cited, 181, 184–185, 191–192, 193, 194, 195, 207–208, 217
- Hostilities, U. S. representations against, 175–184, 225–226
- Loubet award (see also White award, infra): Attitude of Costa Rica, 192, 193, 194–195, 195–196, 200, 201–202, 218, 219, 224, 220–227; Panama, 192, 193–194, 195–196, 197, 198, 199–201, 203–204, 219–220; United States, 185–186, 187, 192–193, 208–211, 212, 215, 216, 225, 226, 227
- Permanent Court of International Justice, proposed submittal to, 210–217, 217–218
- Plebiscite, Panaman proposal, 176; U. S. attitude, 205–206, 211
- Porras-Anderson treaty of 1910, cited, 185, 186, 187–188, 190–197, 208–209, 209–210, 211, 212, 213, 218, 219, 220, 224, 225, 228
- U. S. citizens and property, protection of, 182, 183, 184
- White award of 1914 (see also Loubet award, supra): Costa Rican attitude, 218, 224; Panaman objections, 183–184, 189, 190–207, 213–214, 216, 220, 222–223; U. S. support, 178, 179, 181–182, 182–183, 186–188, 189, 207–213, 215–219, 224–225
- Dominican Republic-Haiti, delays in concluding arbitration agreement, 228–231
- Guatemala–Honduras: Guatemalan and Honduran special missions, termination, 231–232; resumption of negotiations, 234; U. S. arbitration, Guatemalan attitude, 232–234
- Honduras–Nicaragua, U. S. proposal to submit to Chief Justice of U. S. Supreme Court for decision, 234–237
- Costa Rica–Panama:
- Boxer indemnity. See China: Boxer indemnity.
- Brazil, cable concession to Central & South American Telegraph Co., 263–264
- Brussels International Financial Conference, 5, 10
- Bryan-Chamorro treaty of 1914, cited, 143, 144
- Cables:
- Concessions. See Argentina, Brazil, and Cuba: Cables.
- German, former. See Electrical communications in Pacific Ocean.
- Cameroons, British and French (see also Mandates): British-French declaration concerning, 136–137; draft mandates for, 125–133
- Canada:
- Conference on Limitation of Armament, proposed representation, 46–47, 48, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 71, 72
- Port privileges of Canadian vessels in United States, termination, 288–290, 292–294, 295–296
- Property convention of 1899, U. S. British, supplementary convention (Oct. 21, 1921) for Canadian accession to, 296–299
- Protection, etc., of salmon, convention for, status, 290–292, 294–295
- Pulpwood and paper, Canadian export restrictions, 299–311
- Royal Bank of Canada. See under Costa Rica.
- Royal Financial Corp., proposed loan to China, 370–371, 372–373
- Capitulations (see also Extraterritoriality):
- Central American Conference. See Federation of Central American Republics.
- Central American Court of Justice, 143n
- Central American Provisional Federal Council, 155, 156, 157–158
- Central American Union. See Federation of Central American Republics.
- Central & South American Telegraph Co., 263–265
- Chang Tso-lin. See under China: Revolutionary activities in North China.
- Chile. See Tacna-Arica question.
- China (see also
Chinese Eastern Railway
Conference on Limitation of Armament):
- Arms and munitions embargo:
- Airplanes, commercial, question of licensing shipments of, 537–539, 543–544, 546–547, 548, 549, 554
- Handley-Page airplane contract, status, 538–539, 544, 545–546, 546–547, 549, 550, 554
- Relaxation: British attitude, 547–551, 555; Japanese efforts, 534, 548–549, 550–551, 553–554; U. S. attitude, 319, 537–539, 548, 551–554, 555–556, 559–560, 561
- Reported violations by—
- Great Britain, 327, 332, 534, 550–551; British attitude, 542–544, 547, 548, 549
- Italy, 534, 536, 562–563; Italian attitude, 542, 562, 563; protests against, 534–535, 548, 562, 563–564
- Japan, 553, 555; Japanese attitude, 557
- United States, 495, 534, 539–541, 544–545, 549, 550, 556–557, 557–559, 561–562; U. S. attitude, 544–545, 553, 554, 557, 560–561
- U. S. export restrictions: Effect of termination, 548, 550, 552–553, 555–556, 560–561; efforts to extend, 551–552, 553, 555–556, 559–560
- Vickars-Armstrong airplane contract, status, 538, 539, 543–544, 545–546, 549, 550–551
- Asylum: Question of denial by foreign powers, 320, 511, 512, 513, 514–515, 517–518; U. S. admonition against granting, 342–346
- Bank crisis, 347, 351–355
- Bankers’ Commission, International, 354, 500–501
- Boxer indemnity: Priority of charge on customs surplus, 351–352, 353, 354, 495, 496, 500; proposal to cancel payments due United States, 398–404; protocol of 1901, 342, 343, 344, 345
- Canton government. See Southern military government, infra.
- Cassell “Kwangtung Collieries” agreement, British efforts to secure confirmation, 331–332
- Central (Peking) Government (see
Revolutionary activities in North China,
[Page 973]
- Cabinet changes, 314, 321–322, 323, 350, 351, 380, 381
- Chita government, relations with, 611–612
- Customs service, claims of Southern militarv government on, attitude toward, 492–494, 498–499, 501, 503, 505
- Financial situation (see also Loans, infra), 316, 320, 322, 346–355, 454–455, 499, 502
- Instability and corruption, reports, 315–316, 319–320, 322, 326, 347–348, 349, 351, 352, 510, 520, 522
- Southern military government (see also Customs service, supra), attitude toward, 318, 322, 325
- Chang Tso-lin. See under Revolutionary activities in North China, infra.
- Chihli Party, 316, 318, 322
- China Electric Co. See Western Electric Co., infra.
- Chinese National Wireless Telegraph Co. See Marconi contract, infra.
- Commerce on Yangtze River, U. S., question of naval protection, 519–533
- Commission for the Consideration of Jurisdiction, 506–507
- Consortium, four-power (see also
Loans, infra):
- Activities, scope, 84, 355–358, 359–360, 361–362, 363–365, 366–367, 373–374, 395
- Airplanes, commercial, question of financing Chinese purchases, 537, 543–544, 545–546, 546–547, 549, 550
- Chinese participation, discussion, 321
- Council, plan for, 365–366, 367, 369
- Extraconsortium loans, 356, 357, 361, 362, 370–371, 372–373, 546
- Federal Telegraph Co. contract. See Federal Telegraph Co., infra.
- Financial crisis, attitude toward, 347, 349, 352
- Italian participation, discussion, 371–372
- Land tax, U. S. disapproval of consortium control, 363, 367–369
- Marconi telegraph contract (see also under Federal Telegraph Co., infra): British approval of extraconsortium financing, 546; status, 362
- Opposition in United States and Japan, alleged, 360
- Railway loans, policy, 321, 361–362, 363–364, 366–367
- Shantung railways, question of financing, 617, 623
- U. S. attitude, 358–360, 361, 501
- Continental & Commercial Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago. See under Loans, infra.
- Customs administration (see
Tariff duties, infra):
- Customs surcharge: Proposal to discharge old loans, 351–354; proposed security for new loan, 349, 350, 351, 352, 457–458
- Customs surplus: Allocation for public works, proposals, 497, 499, 502, 503; proposed use to relieve bank crisis, 351–354
- Foreign control, discussion, 320, 347, 348, 458, 499–500, 500–502
- Southern military government, claims on customs service, refusal of diplomatic corps to recognize, 491–505
- Disbandment of troops: Attitude of Chang Tso-lin, 322; desirability, 319, 348; steps by Southern military government, 324
- Disorders, See Ichang disorders, infra.
- Extraterritoriality, question of abolition, 320–321, 505–508
- Federal Telegraph Co., contract for U. S.–China
radiotelegraph service:
- British protests. See Marconi contract, infra.
- Chinese attitude, 410, 426, 438–439, 446, 447–448
- Consortium: Nonacceptance by, 420, 421; relationship to, discussion, 405, 406, 407–408, 411, 413, 419–420, 430
- Danish protests. See Great Northern Telegraph Co., infra.
- Financing and fulfillment, difficulties in (see also Consortium, supra), 446, 447–448, 449, 450–451, 454, 455–456
- Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ltd., et al, contract, Danish protests based on, 410, 414–415, 422–425, 452–454; attitude of China, 426; Japan, 428; United States, 410–411, 413–414, 416–417, 418–419, 439, 441, 442–443
- Infringement of patent rights, British claim, 435–436, 445
- Japanese protests. See Mitsui contract, infra.
- Marconi contract (Chinese National Wireless Telegraph Co.): British efforts to extend, 404, 405–406; British protests based on, 408, 410, 430–436, 447, 455, 456; U. S. attitude, 408, 409, 410–411, 411–413, 439, 443–446
- Mitsui contract, Japanese protests based on, 409, 416, 426–429, 438, 447, 449–450; U. S. attitude, 410–411, 417–418, 439, 440–441
- Monopolistic arrangements of U. S. firms, U. S. disapproval, 406, 409, 412, 441, 443, 444–445, 446; British view, 434–435
- Negotiations, 404, 408, 420, 450–451
- “Open-door” principle, U. S. maintenance, 409, 411–412, 417, 418, 419, 439, 441, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448–449, 451; attitude of China, 438–439, 449, 450; Denmark, 425, 453–454; Great Britain, 432–434; Japan, 427–428
- Terms, 405
- U. S. support (see also Great Northern Telegraph Co., Ltd., et al, contract; Marconi contract; and Mitsui contract, supra), 404–405, 406, 407, 420, 421, 422, 447, 448–449
- U. S. treaty rights, maintenance, 409, 411–412, 416, 417–418, 419, 439, 440–441, 442–443, 445; attitude of Denmark, 423–424, 453–454; Great Britain, 434; Japan, 427–428
- French offer to construct wireless station, 407
- “Hay Doctrine,” cited, 38, 339
- Ichang disorders: Asylum, question of denial by foreign powers, 511, 512, 513, 514–515, 517–518; commission of investigation, proposed, 513, 514; damages, right to exaction by foreign powers, 511, 512, 515–516, 518; international settlement, proposed, 509–511, 512, 513–514; military authorities, answerability for disorders in China, 511, 512–513, 514, 515–517, 518; military neutralization, question of, 509–510, 511, 512
- Japanese policy toward (see also Chinese Eastern Railway and under China: Arms and munitions embargo and Federal Telegraph Co., supra; and Loans; Revolutionary activities in North China; and Shantung question, infra), 52, 84, 318, 332, 338, 339, 567, 636–637
- Kiaochow. See Shantung question, infra.
- “Kwangtung Collieries” agreement, British efforts to secure confirmation, 331–332
- Land tax. See under Loans, infra.
- Likin, question of abolition, 320, 348
- Loans (see also
Central (Peking) Government: Financial situation
and under
Consortium, supra):
- British loan, status, 346–347
- Continental & Commercial Trust &
Savings Bank of Chicago, loan:
- Consortium, nonaceeptance by, 378
- Interest: Chinese default, 346–347, 378, 380–381, 385–386; payment, 378
- Japanese acquisition of contract, discussion, 382
- Principal, Chinese default, 379, 380, 382, 383, 385–386, 454–455, 456
- Refunding loan, negotiations, 377, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384–385, 386
- U. S. attitude, 375, 376, 378, 379, 381–382, 382–383, 384, 385–386
- Wine and tobacco revenues, question of control, 379, 380, 382, 384, 388, 392
- Customs service: Allocation of revenues for discharge of old loans, 351–354, 386, 495, 496, 499; proposed surcharge to secure new loan, 349, 350, 351, 352, 457–458
- French loan, status, 346–347
- Hukuang Railway bonds, question of interest payment, 382, 384, 385
- Internal loans, status, 347, 354, 386, 457–458
- Japanese loans, status, 346–347, 438; loan offer, 362
- Land tax: Question of foreign control, 320, 363, 367–369; revenue decline, 320, 347
- Pacific Development Corp. contract:
- Consortium, American Group: Nonexercise of option, 386, 388–389, 393–395; revised arrangement with, 387, 392, 394–395, 397
- Extension, 396
- Interest: Chinese default, 346–347; payment, 390–397
- Japanese desire to assume contract, 393, 397–398
- New bonds, question of obligation to purchase from Chinese Government, 391–392, 393–394, 395
- Refunding loan, negotiations, 377–378, 383, 389
- U. S. attitude, 384, 385, 389–390, 392–393, 396, 397–398
- Wine and tobacco revenues: Chinese failure to transfer control, 378, 387–389, 390–393, 394, 397–398; effect of Chinese default on issuance of future bonds secured by, 391–392
- Reorganization loan of 1913, status, 499, 501
- Royal Financial Corp. of Canada, proposed loan, 370–371, 372–373
- Salt revenue: Decline, 347; difficulty of foreign control, 320; pledge as security for foreign loans, 347, 370, 375, 501; proposed disencumbrance, 349
- Wine and tobacco revenues (see also under Continental & Commercial Trust & Savings Bank and Pacific Development Corp., supra): Difficulty of foreign control, 320; expected yield, 347
- Marconi telegraph contract (see also under Federal Telegraph Co., supra), 362, 546
- Military pact, Sino-Japanese, of 1918, cancelation, 636–637
- Monarchial agitation (see also Revolutionary activities in North China: Chang Tso-lin, infra), 313, 326
- National feeling, growth, 315, 318–319
- “Open-door” principle (see also under Federal Telegraph Co., supra), cited, 31, 37, 38, 52, 59, 67, 76, 79, 321, 362, 588, 598
- Opium trafiic, 32, 37, 38
- Pacific Development Corp. See under Loans, supra.
- Peking Government. See Central (Peking) Government, supra.
- Postal administration, status, 320
- Provincial autonomy, discussion, 316, 317–318, 320
- Public works (see also Railways, infra): Consortium plans, 356–357, 359–360, 361, 373–374; Southern military government, plans, 324; use of customs surplus funds for, 497, 499, 502, 503
- Railways (see also Consortium and Loans, supra, Shantung question, infra, and Chinese Eastern Railway): Need for, 321; South Manchuria Railway, 587–588, 590–591, 605–606
- Revolutionary activities in—
- North China:
- South China (see also Southern military government, infra), reports of hostilities, 313–314, 339, 340
- Russo-Asiatic Bank (see also Chinese Eastern Railway: Bond issue), status, 610–611, 613
- Salt revenue. See under Loans, supra.
- Shantung question:
- Conference on Limitation of Armament, agenda, discussion of inclusion in, 36–37, 38, 52, 58, 59, 613–615, 619, 621, 628
- Japanese proposals for settlement, 613–614, 616, 617–621, 624–628, 631–632; Chinese rejection, 621, 622–624, 629–631, 632–635
- Mediation, U. S., proposed, 615
- Peace Conference, Paris, Chinese appeal to, 338
- Railways, question of disposition, 614, 617, 620, 623, 627, 630–631, 634–635
- Troops, Japanese, question of withdrawal, 618, 624, 631, 634, 635
- U. S. attitude, 615, 616–617, 619–621, 628
- Versailles Treaty, cited, 52, 614, 615, 621, 625, 626, 628, 633, 634
- Sino-Japanese military pact of 1918, cancelation, 636–637
- Southern military government (see
Revolutionary activities in South China,
- Cabinet, formation, 329–330, 334
- Customs service, refusal of diplomatic corps to recognize claims on, 491–505
- Disbandment of troops, 324
- Financial situation, 317, 331, 332
- Military activities, 316, 327, 328, 329, 331, 339, 340
- Munitions, reports of import and manufacture, 539–541, 548, 550, 554, 555, 556–557, 558–559, 560–562
- Political situation, reports, 316–318, 323–335, 349–350, 494, 496
- Public works, plans, 324
- Recognition: Attempts to secure, 335–339; Japanese attitude, 332; U. S. attitude, 325, 339–340, 341–342, 492
- Sun Yat-sen: Attitude toward Central (Peking) Government, 326–527, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339; election as president of Southern military government, 326, 328–329; inauguration, 330, 332–334; program, 336–337; relations with military leaders, 317, 324, 325, 329–330; U. S. attitude, 324–325, 332–333, 335, 339–340, 341–342, 492
- South Manchuria Railway, 587–588, 590–591, 605–606
- Tariff duties, revision (see also Customs administration, supra, and Tariff treaty, infra): Chineseforeign commission for, 459, 460; discussion of, 79, 320, 322, 347, 348–349, 386, 457–458; postponement of further revision, 457–458
- Tariff treaty (Oct. 20, 1920) with United States, confirming 5% ad valorem duty on goods imported into China by U. S. citizens, 458–491
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Final protocol of Sept. 7, 1901, with foreign powers for settlement of 1900 disturbances, cited, 342, 343, 344, 345
- Sino-Japanese military pact, cancelation, 636–637
- Tariff treaty (Oct. 20, 1920) with United States, 458–491
- U. S. treaty rights, maintenance (see also under Federal Telegraph Co., supra), 508
- Versailles Treaty, Chinese nonratification, 614, 621, 625
- Twenty-one Demands, 318, 332, 338, 339
- Unification, discussion, 319–320, 322, 338, 348, 350, 352, 541
- U. S. citizens and property, protection of, 340, 511–512, 519–533
- U. S. flag, policy as to protective display, 519, 523–524, 525, 528, 529, 530–532, 533
- U. S. treaty rights, maintenance (see also under Federal Telegraph Co., supra), 508
- Versailles Treaty, Chinese nonratification, 614, 621, 625
- Western Electric Co. (China Electric Co.): Prospective sale of radiotelephones to Chinese Government, 437–438; U. S. nonsupport of 1911 contract, 406n, 409, 412, 434–435, 444–445
- Wine and tobacco revenues. See under Loans, supra.
- Yangtze River, question of naval protection of U. S. commerce on, 519–533
- Arms and munitions embargo:
- Chinese Eastern Railway:
- Allied and U. S. troops, status of debts for transportation of, 566, 567, 588, 569–570, 571, 574, 576, 591, 606
- Board of directors, 567, 574, 577, 589, 591, 592, 593, 599, 609, 610
- Bond issue, Russo-Asiatic Bank, proposed (see also China: Russo-Asiatic Bank), 589, 590, 591; British attitude, 595; U. S. protests, 591, 592–594; abandonment of plan, 594
- Chinese debt for troop transportation, 606
- Chinese interests in, protection, 83, 593, 598, 600, 611
- Conference on Limitation of Armament, agenda, question of including in, 67, 76, 83
- Control of railway:
- Chinese Government:
- Inter-Allied agreement of Jan. 1919 for supervision, U. S. proposal to amend, 564–566, 568, 573, 575–576, 577–579, 581–582, 584, 588–589, 596–597, 599–600, 606; attitude of China, 584, 585, 588, 598, 600; Chita government, 571, 572, 611–613; France, 571, 610–611; Great Britain, 570, 575, 578, 580–581, 584, 585–586, 589, 603–604; Japan, 588–589, 601, 608–610
- Japanese efforts to secure, 572, 574, 587–588, 589–590, 591, 604–606, 607
- Russian efforts to secure, 589
- Financial aid by—
- Financial difficulties, 566, 567–570, 571, 572, 574, 590–591, 592, 597–598, 600
- Freight movements, 574, 575
- Gauge, proposed change, 601, 602, 610
- Inter-Allied Railway Committee, 586
- Inter-Allied Technical Board (see also Control of railway, supra): Chinese cooperation with, discussion, 572, 573, 577, 579, 580, 583, 584, 580–587, 588, 590, 591–594, 597; Chinese participation, 567, 579, 585; Russian influence, alleged, 572, 587; U. S. representation on, 607, 608
- Kappel-Semenov troops, movement, 567
- Loans. See Financial aid, supra.
- Military interference, Chinese and Japanese, 575, 580, 586–587; U. S. representations, 576, 583
- Railway zone administration, Inter-Allied Railway Committee, 586
- Russian interests, protection, 83, 564–565, 593, 600, 611, 612
- South Manchuria Railway, debt to, 587–588, 590–591
- Troop transportation (see also Allied and U. S. troops, supra), Chinese debt for, 606
- Ussuri Railway, effect of control under alleged Japanese loan offer to Vladivostok government, 604–606, 607, 610
- Chita government (Far Eastern Republic): Attitude toward inter-Allied supervision of Chinese Eastern Railway, 571, 572, 611–613; relations with China, 611–612; relations with Japan, 85, 567, 605
- Colombia: Boundary dispute with Panama, 638, 642; treaty of Apr. 6, 1914, with United States, status, 638–645
- Commissions, committees, etc., international:
- Costa Rica–Panama boundary commission, 188, 214, 216, 218, 219, 220–222, 227–228
- Guatemala–Honduras boundary dispute, commissions, 231–232, 234
- Ichang disorders in China, proposed commission of investigation, 513, 514
- Inter-Allied Railway Committee of Chinese Eastern Railway, 586
- Inter-Allied Technical Board. See under Chinese Eastern Railway.
- Reparation Commission. See Reparation Commission.
- Supreme Council, 8, 13, 14–18, 26
- Communications in Pacific Ocean, electrical, questions regarding, 6, 31–32, 38, 55, 75, 76, 79, 631
- Concessions:
- Cables. See Argentina, Brazil, and Cuba: Cables.
- Oil. See Mandates: Equal opportunity in, and under Costa Rica.
- Radiotelegraph. See China: Federal Telegraph Co.
- Conference of Ambassadors, U. S. relations with, 1–2, 3–4, 5, 13, 14, 16–17
- Conference on Limitation of Armament, Washington:
- Agenda, discussion of, 28, 31–32, 33, 36–37, 38, 39–40, 43–44, 44–45, 46, 51, 52, 54, 58–59, 62, 66, 67–69, 70–71, 72, 73, 75, 76–79, 82–83, 84, 449, 613–614, 615, 621, 628, 632
- Invitations and proposals, U. S. (see also Pacific and Far Eastern questions, infra), 18, 21–22, 23–24, 25, 27, 28–29, 30, 34–35, 37–38, 39, 45, 51, 56–57, 60–61, 65, 66, 71–72, 72–73; attitude of Belgium, 30, 39; France, 27, 30; Great Britain, 22, 25, 26, 32–34, 37, 50–51, 63–64, 64–65, 65–66, 71, 72, 73; Italy, 27–28, 30, 81–82; Japan, 31, 32, 35, 43, 44, 52–53, 61–63, 79–81; Soviet government, 41–43; Spain, 34
- Pacific and Far Eastern questions:
- Agenda. See Agenda, supra.
- British proposals of separate discussion, 19, 26–27, 32, 33, 36, 45–47, 53–54; abandonment of plan, 50, 54; U. S. disapproval, 20, 28–29, 36, 37–38, 47–50, 54
- China: Chinese attitude toward U. S. proposals, 21, 29, 30, 32, 35–36, 40, 59–60, 83; effect on Chinese position of default on U. S. bank loans, 381, 382; fiscal policy, discussion, 458; invitation to participate in discussions, 57–58, 59–60; maintenance of territorial integrity, 31, 37, 38, 59, 67, 76, 79, 321; Shantung question, 36–37, 38, 52, 58, 59, 613–615, 619, 620, 621, 628
- Representation in discussions, U. S. proposals regarding, 23, 24–25, 35, 39, 55, 57–58, 66–67, 74–75, 76, 83–84, 628; attitude of China, 21, 29, 30, 32, 35–36, 40, 59–60, 83; Great Britain, 25–26; Japan 31, 32; Netherlands, 54–56; Portugal, 74–75; Soviet government, 41–43, 69–70, 85–87
- Russia, maintenance of territorial integrity, 31, 37, 41, 67, 70, 76, 79
- Conferences, international:
- Ambassadors, Conference of, 1–2, 3–4, 5, 13, 14, 16–17
- Brussels International Financial Conference, 5, 10
- Central American Conference. See Federation of Central American Republics.
- Dairen Conference, 85
- Limitation of Armament, Washington Conference on. See Conference on Limitation of Armament.
- Weights and Measures, Sixth General Conference on, 168
- Consortium, international. See under China.
- Continental & Commercial Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago. See under China: Loans.
- Costa Rica (see also
Boundary disputes: Costa
Rica-Panama; and
Federation of Central American Republics):
- Amory oil concession:
- Costa Rica Oil Corp. See Pinto-Greulich oil concession, infra.
- Oil concessions. See Amory oil concession, supra, and Pinto-Greulich oil concession, infra.
- Pinto-Greulich oil concession: Alleged conflict with rights of other U. S. enterprises, 661; Costa Rican demand for arbitration of dispute, 668–669; provisions, 658–659, 660–661; status, 657–658, 659–661
- Royal Bank of Canada:
- Sinclair Central American Oil Corp. See Pinto-Greulich oil concession, supra.
- Tinoco, Federico, U. S. view of invalidity of acts, 651, 656
- Trade-marks convention of 1910, Costa Rican denunciation, 167–168
- Crowder, Gen. Enoch H. See under Cuba.
- Cuba:
- Amnesty bill, discussion, 769
- Banks: Measures to restore credit, 672, 674, 696, 698, 711, 713, 714, 717, 741, 747, 753–754, 773–789; moratorium, 672, 674, 712, 741, 775–776, 778; proposed central bank, 700–701, 787–789
- Budget reduction. See under Loan negotiations, infra.
- Cables: All America Cables, Inc., permission to land and operate cables at Guantanamo, 808–815; Western Union Telegraph Co., suspension of permit to land cable, 815–827
- Commercial convention of 1902 with United States: Interpretation, 789–793; proposed amendment, 692, 709, 791
- Constitutional revision, discussion, 692–693, 696
- Crowder, Gen. Enoch H. (see also Elections, Electoral law, Loan negotiations, Tariff revision, and Tax laws, infra): Extension of mission, 680; reception by President Menocal, 670–673
- Customs revenue, decline, 732–733, 742
- Debt, floating, question of liquidation, 702, 704, 706, 707, 708, 721, 722, 723, 725, 728, 729, 730, 732–733, 734, 735, 736, 738, 742, 745, 756, 766
- Debt, public funded, status, 702, 704, 707, 728, 738, 742, 743, 744, 745, 750, 751, 752, 755–756, 757, 758, 761, 770
- Elections, 1920 presidential, contested-election cases: Attempts to hasten settlement, 673–674, 674–675, 677–678, 679, 680; decisions indicating need for special elections, 674, 675, 687; U. S. attitude, 687
- Elections, 1922 general, plans for, 739
- Elections, supplemental partial: Arrangements and guaranties for fairness, 676, 679, 680–681, 683, 684, 685–686, 687–688, 689; disorders, 681, 682, 683; Liberal Party attitude, 675, 676, 677, 678, 681–682, 683, 684, 685–686, 688–689, 690, 693; returns, 683; U. S. attitude, 675–676, 670–677, 678–679, 680, 682, 683–684, 686–688, 689–690, 694; U. S. observation of, 680–681
- Electoral law, discussion of amendment, 675, 692–693
- Financial Commission, Cuban, plan for, 701, 703–704, 713, 714–715, 717
- Financial reform commitments of President Zayas (see also Budget reduction, supra), 692, 693, 696, 698, 699, 700–701, 702, 704, 705, 710, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 728–729, 735–737, 738, 739, 740–748, 749, 750–754, 754–755, 756, 759–761, 761–763, 764–766, 767
- Guantanamo, agreements of 1903 for lease to United States of certain areas at, cited, 808–809, 810–811, 813, 815
- Habana, port congestion, 674, 732
- Internal revenue, decline. See Tax laws, infra.
- Intervention, U. S., question of, 672, 674–675, 679, 694, 714, 728, 730, 767
- Liberal Party. See Elections, supra.
- Loan, 1917 internal, status, 699, 724–725, 755–756, 757, 767
- Loan negotiations:
- Budget reduction, prerequisite, U. S. insistence, 695, 697, 706, 708, 718, 720, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 728–729, 730–732, 734, 735–736, 737, 743–744, 744–746, 747, 759–761, 762–763, 767–768, 768–769, 769–770, 771–773; Cuban attitude, 692, 697–698, 700, 702, 704, 718–719, 720, 721, 724, 727–728, 729–730, 731, 733, 738, 749, 751–752, 753, 757–758, 761–762, 763, 764–766, 767, 768, 769, 771
- Financial Commission, Cuban, plan for, 701, 703–704, 713, 714–715, 717
- Financial reform, discussion. See Budget reduction and Financial reform commitments of President Zayas, supra.
- Floating debt, liquidation. See Debt, floating, supra.
- Internal loan, Cuban proposal, 702, 703, 707–708, 711, 716–717, 721, 731; U. S. objection, 710, 714, 719, 722, 723
- Loan ($5,000,000) from J. P. Morgan & Co., proposed: Negotiations, 733–734, 736, 737–738, 739, 748, 750, 754, 755–757; other U. S. banks, attitude, 748–749, 769; partial use topay Postal Administration debt to United States, plan, 737, 750, 755–756, 757; U. S. attitude, 734, 736, 740, 743, 744, 747–748, 749, 754–755, 756, 759, 760–761, 762, 763, 766–767, 768, 770, 772–773, 791
- Loan ($50,000,000), project: Attitude of Cuba, 698, 699–700, 703–704, 707–708, 709, 711, 712, 716–717, 721, 729, 731, 738, 739, 748, 750, 753, 756; United States, 700–701, 703, 705, 706–707, 709–711, 712–715, 719, 734–735, 747–748, 749, 754–755, 756, 760–767, 791; U. S. banks, 698, 705–706, 714, 715, 735, 738, 748–749, 754
- Platt amendment (U. S.-Cuban treaty of relations of 1903), cited. See Platt amendment, infra.
- Rathbone loan plan of 1920, 698, 776, 777–778
- Tariff revision, discussion. See Tariff revision, infra.
- Tax laws, question of revision. See Tax laws, infra.
- Lottery, plan to increase revenue from, 747, 752, 767
- Menocal, Mario G.: Attitude toward Liberal Party, 679, 682, 685; reception of General Crowder, 670–673; visit to United States, proposed, 693–694, 695
- Morgan & Co., J. P., proposed loans. See Loan ($5,000,000) and Loan ($50,000,000), supra.
- Moratorium, bank, 672, 674, 712, 741, 775–776, 778
- Platt amendment (U. S.-Cuban treaty of relations of 1903), cited, 690, 692, 695, 696, 700, 701, 705, 706, 707, 708, 710, 719, 728, 730, 731, 740, 743, 756, 757, 772
- Postal Administration, debts to United States, 715–716, 730, 737, 750, 755–756, 757
- Sanitary measures, discussion, 692, 730, 743
- Speyer loan, status, 724–725, 730
- Sugar Finance Commission (see also Sugar market, infra): Establishment and operations, 694, 715, 785–786, 793–802, 803–805; termination, 806–807, 807–808
- Sugar market (see also Banks and Sugar Finance Commission, supra): Fordney tariff bill, Cuban view of effect, 790–791, 792–793; question of aid to, 700, 701, 702, 711–712, 713–714, 717, 753, 767, 776–780, 785–786, 789
- Tariff revision, discussion, 709, 710, 723, 726, 738, 746–747, 752, 753, 756, 773, 790, 791, 807
- Tax laws, question of revision, 700, 702, 704, 706, 717–718, 719, 720, 722, 723, 725–726, 726–727, 732–733, 734, 736, 738, 743–744, 746, 752–753, 756, 766, 773
- Treaty of relations with United States (1903). See Platt amendment, supra.
- U. S. marines, question of withdrawal from Camaguey, 770
- Zayas, Alfredo (see also Financial reform commitments of President Zayas, supra): Candidacy for president, 675, 676, 682; election, 688, 689; inauguration, 691, 695; program, 692–693; proposed cabinet, 690–691, 693; U. S. attitude, 690, 695–696
- Czechoslovakia, debt to Chinese Eastern Railway for troop transportation, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 574, 576, 591, 606
- Dairen Conference, 85
- Denmark, protests against Federal Telegraph Co. contract in China. See China: Federal Telegraph Co.
- Djambi oil concessions in Netherland India, 55
- Dominican Republic:
- Advisory Council of Dominicans, 828–834, 837, 855–856, 858–859
- Banditry, suppression of, 850–851
- Bond issues, 1908 and 1918, status, 844, 845–846, 847, 859–861, 862, 868
- Boundary dispute with Haiti, 228–231
- Commission of Dominicans, 828–834, 837, 855–856, 858–859
- Constitution, revision. See U. S. control, plan for withdrawal: Commission of Dominicans, infra.
- Convention of 1907 with United States, cited, 836, 842, 844, 854, 855, 859, 865–866, 868, 869
- Customs receivership: Collections, 856, 857, 859–860, 861–862, 864, 865, 867, 868; extension of powers to provisional collection of internal revenue, proposed, 836–837, 840, 844–845; prospective termination, 868
- Elections. See under U. S. control, infra.
- Financial situation (see also Loans, infra), 856, 857, 864–865, 867
- Guardia Nacional, plan to improve, 837, 845, 847, 850–851, 851–852
- Henriquez y Carvajal, Francisco, activities, 846
- Internal revenue collections, 856, 857, 861–862, 864, 865, 867
- Laws, revision. See U. S. control, plan for withdrawal: Commission of Dominicans, infra.
- Loans (see also Bond issues, supra): Certificates of indebtedness, proposed issuance, 857–858, 867, 869–870; loans for public works, proposed, 836, 838, 840, 845, 854–856, 857, 858–864, 865–870
- Military Governor: Reports, 844–853, 858–864; validation of financial acts, plan, 836, 839–840
- Public works. See Loans, supra.
- U. S. control, plan for withdrawal:
- Commission of Dominicans to draft legal and constitutional revision, 828–834, 837, 855–856, 858–859
- Convention of withdrawal, U. S. plan, 831–832, 836–837, 839–840; Dominican attitude, 838, 844
- Elections, proposed, 836, 844–845, 847, 848, 852, 853; Dominican attitude, 838, 844, 846, 850, 851, 852, 853; postponement, 841, 842–843, 846
- U. S. policy: Discussion and statements of, 830–832, 838–840, 844–848, 849, 851–852, 853, 868, 869; Dominican attitude, 838, 844, 847, 849–851, 852, 853; proclamations of, 835–839, 840–843
- East Africa, Belgian and British, draft mandates for (see also Mandates), 121–125, 133–136
- Ecuador:
- Asociacion de Agricultores del Ecuador. See Cacao Growers Association, infra.
- Cacao Growers Association: Efforts to liquidate indebtedness, 885, 896–902; proposed loan to Ecuadoran Government to assist, 885, 886, 896, 897–898
- Debt, foreign, plan to refund, 885, 886, 893, 896
- Exchange decrees, U. S. protests against retroactive application, 871–881
- Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co.:
- Arbitration of dispute, Ecuadoran proposal, 890–891, 893
- Bonds, service of: Agreement for, 888–889; delays by Ecuadoran Government, 878, 879–880, 881–882, 883, 885–887, 888, 889, 891–893, 895; Ecuadoran withdrawal of funds deposited for, 879, 889, 893–894, 895; payments, 884
- Foreclosure by foreign bondholders, President’s attitude, 882–883
- Loan to Ecuadoran Government, project, 878, 879, 881, 887–888
- Loans, proposed. See under Cacao Growers Association and Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co., supra.
- Mercantile Bank of the Americas:
- Salt certificates, delays in service of, 879, 883, 895; payments, 884
- Egypt:
- Capitulations, British proposals to modify, 903–907, 910–913; U. S. attitude, 907–909
- Consular courts, British plan to transfer functions to Mixed Courts, 905, 906, 907, 910–912; U. S. attitude, 907–909
- Mixed Court of Appeals (see also Mixed Courts, infra), nomination of U. S. judge, 913–916
- Mixed Courts:
- Electrical communications in Pacific Ocean, questions regarding, 6, 31–32, 38, 55, 75, 76, 79, 631
- Embargo, arms and munitions. See China: Arms and munitions embargo.
- Ethiopia, status of Anglo-American Oil Co. concession, 649–650
- Expatriation of U. S. citizens, 266–269
- Extraterritoriality (see also Capitulations), question of abolition in China, 320–321, 505–508
- Far Eastern Republic. See Chita government.
- Federal Telegraph Co. See under China.
- Federation of Central American Republics:
- Constituent Assembly, 155, 156, 157, 158, 164
- Constitution, 157, 158
- Monroe Doctrine, interpretation, 158
- Pact of Union (Jan. 19, 1921): Costa Rican rejection, 156; Nicaraguan abstention, 143–144, 153, 155, 160; ratifications, 153–154, 155; registration with League of Nations, 154–155; signature, 144, 145; text, 145–153
- Provisional Federal Council, 155, 156, 157–158, 159, 164
- Recognition, U. S., question of, 159–160, 162, 163–164
- Revolution in Guatemala, U. S. representations against interference, 160–162, 162–163
- Fisheries. See Canada.
- France (see also
China: Consortium; Chinese Eastern Railway; and
- China: Extraterritoriality, French attitude, 508; loan to, status, 346–347; wireless station, French offer to construct, 407
- Franco-British convention of 1920 regarding Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Syria and the Lebanon, 137–142
- League of Nations, attitude toward, 965–966
- Mandates (see also Franco-British convention of 1920, supra, and Yap, infra):
- Military service, liability of U. S. citizens of French origin: Attitude of France, 939–940, 942–945, 947–957; United States, 937–938, 940–941, 945–947
- “Open-door” principle, attitude toward, 925–929
- Radio stations, Annapolis and Lafayette, nonagreement on reciprocal use for official messages, 957–962
- Sèvres, Treaty of, 87
- Sèvres (tripartite) agreement of 1920, 90
- Treaty of naturalization, U. S. French, proposed, 946, 947, 955–957
- Viviani, Renè, mission to United States, 962–967
- War debt to United States, attitude toward, 964
- Yap, Japanese mandate for, attitude toward, 966
- Germany:
- Cables, former German. See Electrical communications in Pacific Ocean.
- German possessions in Pacific Ocean, former, mandates for (see also Mandates and Yap), 118–120; question of reference to Conference on Limitation of Armament, 31–32, 37, 38
- Kiaochow, former German rights in. See China: Shantung question.
- Reparations: Crediting of Shantung Railway against, 627, 634–635; French attitude toward, 963, 964–965; proposed deliveries of Cuban sugar to credit against, 801–803, 805–806, 807, 808; U. S. views on, 2, 5, 6–7, 8–9, 965
- Separate peace with United States: Attitude of France, 965, 967; United States, 5, 965, 967
- U. S. army of occupation, costs, 6
- War claims, U. S., 6
- Good offices. See under Boundary disputes: Costa Rica-Panama; see also Tacna-Arica question: Mediation.
- Great Britain (see also
Australia, Canada, China, Chinese Eastern
Railway, Conference of Ambassadors, Conference on Limitation of Armament, Costa Rica, Egypt, New Zealand, and
Supreme Council):
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., concession in Ethiopia, 649–650
- Anglo-Japanese Alliance, discussion, 19–20, 22–23, 29, 35–36, 52, 53, 73, 82–83
- Hay-Pauncefote treaty of 1901, 640, 641
- Mandates (see also Cameroons, Mandates, Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Togoland): East Africa, 121–125; Nauru, 118–120; Samoa, 118–120; South-West Africa, 118–120
- Sèvres, Treaty of, 87
- Sèvres (tripartite) agreement of 1920, 90
- Greece, exemption from military service of U. S. citizens of Greek origin, 938
- Guatemala (see also Federation of Central American Republics): Boundary dispute with Honduras, 231–234; denunciation of trademarks convention of 1910, 164–166
- Haiti, boundary dispute with Dominican Republic, 228–231
- Handley-Page airplane contract with China, 538–539, 544, 545–546, 546–547, 549, 550, 554
- Hay–Bunau Varilla treaty (Panama Canal treaty) of 1903, cited, 181, 184–185, 191–192, 193, 194, 195, 207–208, 217
- “Hay Doctrine,” cited, 38, 339
- Hay–Pauncefote treaty of 1901, cited, 640, 641
- Honduras (see also Federation of Central American Republics), boundary dispute with Guatemala, 231–234; Nicaragua, 234–237
- Inter-Allied Railway Committee (Chinese Eastern Railway), 586
- Inter-Allied Technical Board (Chinese Eastern Railway). See under Chinese Eastern Railway.
- Italy (see also
Conference of Ambassadors
Supreme Council):
- Arms and munitions to China, alleged violations of embargo on, 534–535, 541–542, 548, 562–564
- Chinese Eastern Railway, troop transportation, debt for, 566, 591, 606
- Conference on Limitation of Armament, discussion of participation in, 18, 21, 23, 24–25, 27–28, 30, 34, 56–57, 81–82
- Consortium for China, international, proposed participation, 371–372
- Military service, liability of U. S. citizens of Italian origin, 937–938
- Sèvres, Treaty of, 87
- Sèvres (tripartite) agreement of 1920, 90
- Japan (see also China, Chinese Eastern Railway, Conference of Ambassadors, Conference on Limitation of Armament, Mandates, Supreme Council, and Yap): Alleged massacre of Japanese at Nikolaievsk, 85; Anglo-Japanese Alliance, discussion, 19–20, 22–23, 29, 35–36, 52, 53, 73, 82–83; cabinet changes, 85; Dairen Conference, 85; Lansing-Ishii agreement, 449; policy in Siberia, 52, 81, 85; policy toward Vladivostok government, 605;. relations with Chita government, 85, 567, 605
- Kiaochow. See China: Shantung question.
- Lansing-Ishii agreement, cited, 449
- Latvia, debt to Chinese Eastern Railway for troop transportation, 566, 570, 591, 606
- League of Nations (see also
Versailles Treaty):
- Costa Rica–Panama boundary dispute: Proposed submittal to Permanent Court of International Justice, 216–217, 217–218; question of arbitration by League, 190, 223–224
- Federation of Central American Republics, registration of Pact of Union, 154–155
- Tacna-Arica question, proposed submittal to League, 239–242, 256
- U. S. attitude, 2, 89, 277, 965, 966, 967
- Limitation of Armament, Conference on. See Conference on Limitation of Armament.
- Loans. See Chinese Eastern Railway: Financial aid; Cuba; Dominican Republic; and Ecuador; and under China: Consortium and Loans; and Costa Rica: Royal Bank of Canada.
- Manchuria. See China: Revolutionary activities in North China.
- Mandates (see also Cameroons; East Africa; Germany: German possessions in Pacific Ocean; Mesopotamia; Nauru; Palestine; Samoa; South-West Africa; Syria and the Lebanon; Togoland; Turkey; and Yap):
- Marconi telegraph contract (see also under China: Federal Telegraph Co.), 362, 546
- Mediation (see also under Tacna-Arica question; see also Good offices under Boundary disputes: Costa Rica–Panama), proposed U. S. mediation of Shantung question, 615
- Menocal, Mario G. See under Cuba.
- Mercantile Bank of the Americas. See under Ecuador.
- Mesopotamia (see also Mandates): Draft mandate for, 104–110; Franco-British convention of 1920 regarding, 137–142
- Military service, liability to. See France: Military service; Greece; and Italy: Military service.
- Missionaries, status in mandated territories, 924, 928
- Mongolia. See Chita government.
- Monroe Doctrine, cited, 52, 158, 339.
- Morgan & Co., J. P. See Cuba: Loan ($5,000,000) and Loan ($50,000,000).
- Nauru, British mandate for (see also Mandates), 118–120
- Netherlands: Attitude on Djambi oil question, 55; participation in Conference for Limitation of Armament, plan, 39, 52, 54–56, 66–67, 74, 75, 76–77
- New Zealand, discussion of representation at Conference on Limitation of Armament, 26, 28, 32, 36, 37, 39, 46–47, 48, 49, 50, 53–54, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 71, 72
- Nicaragua (See also Federation of Central American Republics): Boundary dispute with Honduras, 234–237; Bryan-Chamorro treaty of 1914, cited, 143, 144; denunciation of trade-marks convention of 1910, 166–167
- Nikolaievsk, alleged massacre of Japanese, 85
- Oil concessions (see also Mandates: Equal opportunity in; and under Costa Rica), Djambi concessions in Netherland India, 55
- “Open-door” principle (see also under China: Federal Telegraph Co. and “Open-door” principle), U. S. maintenance as to mandates, 74, 923–925; French attitude, 925–929
- Opium traffic, 32, 37, 38
- Pacific Development Corp. See under China: Loans.
- Palestine (see also Mandates): Draft mandate for, 104–105, 110–117; Franco-British convention of 1920 regarding, 137–142; U. S. attitude on capitulatory rights in, 923–924
- Panama (see also Boundary disputes: Costa Rica-Panama), boundary dispute with Colombia, 638, 642
- Panama Canal tolls, question of, 73
- Panama Canal treaty (Hay–Bunau Varilla treaty) of 1903, cited, 181, 184–185, 191–192, 193, 194, 195, 207–208, 217
- Permanent Court of International Justice, 216–217, 217–218
- Peru. See Tacna-Arica question.
- Pinto-Greulich oil concession. See under Costa Rica.
- Poland, debt to Chinese Eastern Railway for troop transportation, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 591, 606
- Porras-Anderson treaty of 1910. See under Boundary disputes: Costa Rica–Panama.
- Portugal, plan for participation in Conference on Limitation of Armament, 39, 74–75, 76–77
- Railways (see also Chinese Eastern Railway and Ecuador: Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co., and under China: Shantung question): Chinese need for, 321; status of Hukuang Railway bonds, 382, 384, 385
- Reparation Commission:
- Rumania, debt to Chinese Eastern Railway for troop transportation, 566, 570, 591, 606
- Russia (see also
Chita government
- Chinese Eastern Railway: Alleged influence on Inter-Allied Technical Board of, 572, 587; efforts to secure control, 589; protection of rights in, 83, 564–565, 593, 600, 611, 612
- Conference on Limitation of Armament: Attitude toward, 40–43, 69–70, 85–87; question of territorial integrity, 31, 37, 41, 67, 70, 76, 79
- Russo-Asiatic Bank, status, 610–611, 613
- Sakhalin, Japanese occupation, 85
- Salvador. See Federation of Central American Republics.
- Samoa, German, British mandate for (see also Mandates), 118–120
- Sèvres, Treaty of, 87
- Sèvres (tripartite) agreement of 1920, 90
- Shantung question. See under China.
- Siberia: Japanese policy in, 52, 81, 85; question of inclusion of Siberian questions in agenda of Conference on Limitation of Armament, 38, 52, 67, 76, 79
- Silesia, question of disposition, 15–16, 17
- Sino-Japanese military pact of 1918, cancelation, 636–637
- South Manchuria Railway, 587–588, 590–591, 601, 605, 606
- South-West Africa, German, British mandate for (see also Mandates), 118–120
- Soviet government. See Russia.
- Spain, desire to participate in Conference on Limitation of Armament, 34
- Sun Yat-sen. See under China: Southern military government.
- Supreme Council: Meeting, 26; U. S. relations with, 8, 13, 14–18
- Syria and the Lebanon (see also Mandates): Draft mandate for, 98–104; Franco-British convention of 1920 regarding, 137–142; U. S. maintenance of capitulatory rights in, 929–936
- Tacna-Arica question:
- Ancon, treaty of (1883), cited, 243, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 253, 255
- Arbitration: Discussion of, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242, 248, 251, 252, 253, 254, 256–257; question of Bolivian participation, 257
- Hostilities, reports, 251–252
- Huneeus-Valera protocol of 1912, status, 243–244, 245, 247, 248, 249–250, 251, 255
- League of Nations, proposed submittal to, 239–242, 256
- Mediation, U. S., Chilean proposals, 238, 243, 244–245, 246; U. S. attitude, 238–239, 245, 246, 253
- Mobilization, Chilean assurances against, 248–249
- Plebiscite (see also Huneeus-Valera protocol, supra): Chilean proposals, 243–246, 247, 248–251, 256–257; Peruvian attitude, 245, 248, 251–252, 254–256; relevance of Versailles Treaty, 243, 245–246, 251, 255–256
- U. S. declarations of impartiality, 237–239, 242, 245, 253
- Togoland, British and French (see also Mandates): Draft mandates for, 125–129, 129–132; joint British-French declaration concerning, 136–137
- Trade-marks convention of 1910, denunciation by Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Nicaragua, 164–168
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Ancon, treaty of (1883). See under Tacna-Arica question.
- Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 19–20, 22–23, 29, 35–36, 52, 53, 73, 82–83
- Arms and munitions, convention of 1919 for control of trade in, 549
- Boxer disturbances of 1900, final protocol of 1901 between China and foreign powers for settlement, 342, 343, 344, 345
- Bryan-Chamorro treaty of 1914, 143, 144
- Capitulations. See Capitulations.
- Central American Pact of Union (Jan. 19, 1921). See Federation of Central American Republics: Pact of Union.
- Franco–British convention of 1920 regarding Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Syria and the Lebanon, 137–142
- Hay–Bunau Varilla treaty of 1903. See Panama Canal treaty, infra.
- Hay-Pauncefote treaty of 1901, 640, 641
- Huneeus-Valera protocol of 1912. See under Tacna-Arica question.
- Panama Canal treaty of 1903, 181, 184–185, 191–192, 193, 194, 195, 207–208, 217
- Porras-Anderson treaty of 1910. See under Boundary disputes: Costa Rica–Panama.
- Sèvres, Treaty of, 87
- Sèvres (tripartite) agreement of 1920, 90
- Trade-marks convention of 1910, denunciations, 164–168
- U. S.-Austrian treaty (Aug. 24, 1921) establishing friendly relations. See Austria: Treaty with United States.
- U. S.-British property convention of 1899, supplementary convention of Oct. 21, 1921, for Canadian accession to, 296–299
- U. S.-Canadian convention for protection, etc., of salmon, 290–292, 294–295
- U. S.-Chinese tariff treaty of Oct. 20, 1920, 458–491
- U. S.-Colombian treaty of 1914, 638–645
- U. S.-Cuban agreements of 1903 for lease of certain areas at Guantanamo, 808–809, 810–811, 813, 815
- U. S.-Cuban commercial convention of 1902, 692, 709, 789–793
- U. S.-Cuban treaty of relations of 1903. See Cuba: Platt amendment.
- U. S.-Dominican convention of 1907, 836, 842, 844, 854, 855, 859, 865–866, 868, 869
- U. S.-German peace treaty of 1921, 5, 965, 967
- U. S. treaty rights in China, maintenance. See under China: Federal Telegraph Co.
- Versailles Treaty. See Versailles Treaty.
- Weights and measures, convention of Oct. 6, 1921, amending convention of 1875 relating to, 168–174
- Turkey, mandates for former Turkish territories (see also Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Syria and the Lebanon):
- Twenty-one Demands, 318, 332, 338, 339
- U. S. citizens and property, protection of (see also Capitulations and France: Military service), 182, 183, 184, 320–321, 340, 505–508, 511–512, 519–533
- Ussuri Railway. See under Chinese Eastern Railway.
- Versailles Treaty (see also League of Nations, Mandates, and Reparation Commission), cited, 2–3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 52, 87, 90, 94, 97, 243, 245–246, 251, 255, 614, 615, 621, 625, 626, 628, 633, 634, 922–923, 926, 963, 964, 965–966, 967
- Vickers-Armstrong airplane contract with China, 538, 539, 543–544, 545–546, 549, 550–551
- Viviani, Renè, mission to United States, 962–967
- Vladivostok government, 604, 605
- Washington Conference. See Conference on Limitation of Armament.
- Weights and measures, convention of Oct. 6, 1921, amending convention of 1875 relating to, 168–174
- Weights and Measures, Sixth General Conference on, 168
- Western Electric Co. See under China.
- Western Telegraph Co., 263, 264, 818, 824–827
- Western Union Telegraph Co., 815–827
- World Court. See Permanent Court of International Justice.
- Yap, mandate for (see also Mandates):
- Young Men’s Christian Association, debt to Chinese Eastern Railway, 606
- Yugoslavia, debt to Chinese Eastern Railway for troop transportation, 566, 570, 591, 606
- Zayas, Alfredo. See under Cuba.