- Instability of the Chinese Government at Peking (Documents 270–278)
- Election of Dr. Sun Yat-sen at Canton as “President of the Republic of
China” (Documents 279–291)
- Admonition by the Department of State to residents in the Legation Quarter
at Peking against granting asylum to Chinese fugitives (Documents 292–294)
- Financial embarrassments of the Chinese Government (Documents 295–307)
- Organization of a new International Financial Consortium (Documents 308–331)
- Defaults by the Chinese Government on loans from American banking
houses (Documents 332–361)
- Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank (Documents 332–349)
- Pacific Development Corporation (Documents 350–361)
- Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank (Documents 332–349)
- Proposal to remit further payments on the Boxer indemnity (Documents 362–364)
- The Federal Telegraph Company’s contract with the Chinese
Government (Documents 365–417)
- Postponement of further revision of the Chinese customs schedule (Documents 418–421)
- Tariff treaty between the United States and China, October 20, 1920,
confirming a five percent ad valorem duty on goods
imported into China by citizens of the United States (Documents 422–424)
- Refusal by the diplomatic corps to recognize the claims of the Canton
Government upon the accumulated customs surplus (Documents 425–448)
- The question of the abolition of extraterritoriality (Documents 449–450)
- Disorders at Ichang and the consequent demand by the powers that the
Chinese military authorities be held personally responsible for injury to
foreign interests in China (Documents 451–469)
- Consideration of measures for the protection of American commerce on the
Yangtze (Documents 470–485)
- Efforts to prevent relaxation of the agreement among the powers to
prohibit the exportation of arms to China (Documents 486–514)
- Operation of the Chinese Eastern Railway (Documents 515–594)
- Japanese proposals for a settlement of the Shantung question—their
rejection by China (Documents 595–605)
- Cancelation of the Sino-Japanese Military Pact of March 1918 (Document 606)