The Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Navy (Daniels)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of January 31, 1921, enclosing a copy of a communication from the French Department of Posts and Telegraphs54 relative to the draft agreement between the Governments of the United States and France providing for the reciprocal use of the Lafayette and Annapolis radio stations for the transmission of official messages.
It is noted that the French Department of Posts and Telegraphs accepts Articles 1, 3 and 4 of the proposed agreement, but objects to Article 2 on the ground that the use of the Lafayette station for broadcasting official messages to the navies of the two governments, would to that extent interfere with communication to and from the United States. It is also noted that the French Department of Posts and Telegraphs suggests the use of the station at Bordeaux for the purpose mentioned in Article 2 of the proposed agreement.55
I shall be grateful for information as to the Navy Department’s views on the subject, and as to the advisability of taking the matter up further with the competent authorities of the French Government through the American Ambassador in Paris.
I would suggest that, if and when the terms of the proposed agreement are formulated to the satisfaction of the two parties, an exchange of notes should take place between the diplomatic representative of the United States and the appropriate authority of the French Government.
I have [etc.]
Under Secretary