Announcement of preparatory measures for withdrawal of the American forces10

10. For previous correspondence regarding withdrawal of U. S. forces, see Foreign Relations, 1920, vol. ii, pp. 136160, passim.

Proclamation of June 14, 1921, by the Military Governor; Dominican Opposition to the Terms of the Proclamation—Proclamation of July 27, Declaring the Intention of the United States to Persevere in the Announced Program of Evacuation

[782] The Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell) to the Secretary of State

839.00/2399: Telegram

[784] The Secretary of State to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell)

839.00/2408a: Telegram

[785] The Secretary of State to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell)

839.00/2408a supp.: Telegram

[788] The Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell) to the Secretary of State


[790] The Minister in the Dominican Republic (Russell) to the Secretary of State
