
The Representative on Special Mission in Cuba (Crowder) to the Secretary of State


Dear Mr. Secretary:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I think President Menocal’s desire to visit Washington is due largely to the fact that he would like to discuss with the Department the financial situation in Cuba and the remedy therefor, subjects to [Page 694] which he has given very intelligent study; and also to discuss with the Department the Sugar Sales Commission decree26 which he issued and the execution which that decree has received. I think he would be in position to give the Department important information and much light upon the operations of the Sugar Sales Commission and its personnel.

In the light of what I have stated the Department will have no difficulty in reaching a conclusion as to whether the invitation, which, of course, Menocal wishes to be of the most informal character, shall issue. In order that he may have time to adjust his stay at New York so as to permit a trip to Washington, I would suggest the Department’s decision be cabled.

Very respectfully,

E. H. Crowder
  1. Not printed; see telegram no. 26, Feb. 11, from the Representative on Special Mission in Cuba, p. 797.