
The Japanese Ambassador (Shidehara) to the Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Secretary: I am now in receipt of a telegram from Tokio informing me that the outline of the terms of settlement on the Shantung question, which Japan proposed to China on September 7, and which I had the pleasure of communicating to you, has just been published in a communiqué of the Foreign Office at Tokio. The communiqué is prefaced by an explanatory statement, copy of which I venture to enclose herewith for your information.

Believe me [etc.]

K. Shidehara

Statement by the Japanese Foreign Office

The Japanese Minister at Peking submitted on the seventh instant the following general plan a$ the basis of the settlement of the Shantung question and, inviting thereto a serious and sincere consideration, once more requested the Chinese Government to enter into [Page 619] negotiations in this matter along the lines indicated in that plan and to appoint as soon as possible commissioners with a view to arranging detailed plans for carrying into effect the terms of settlement that may be agreed upon.