The Minister in China (Crane) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 29.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the despatch of the Consul in Chargé at Shanghai of January 28, 1921, No. 553,17 regarding conditions affecting foreign residents in the interior of China, particularly in the Yangtze Valley, and the pressing need of greater American naval protection along that River.
I desire to join Consul General-at-Large Eberhardt in endorsing heartily the statements made in this despatch. American standing in the Yangtze Valley at the present juncture is undoubtedly at low ebb, due to a series of events in which the American authorities were not successful in demanding and obtaining the respect and security due to American persons and property in China. This country is undoubtedly upon the eve of a period of increased turmoil. It will therefore be impossible to look to the Central Government for adequate protection for Americans in the interior of China, and it behooves the American Government to take steps to supply with its own forces such protection to its citizens as may be possible.
I have [etc.]