760j.6715/47: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Wallace) to the Secretary of State

1830. In further reference to your telegram number 1554, October 15, 1 p.m.,30 following is English translation of text of note dated October 18th 1920 just received.

“The Secretariat General of the Peace Conference has the honor to forward herewith to the United States Embassy an authenticated copy of the treaty signed at Sèvres on August 10th, 1920 between the Allied Powers and Turkey.

The Secretariat General has the honor to draw the Embassy’s attention to article 89 of this treaty which provides that the determination of the frontier line between Turkey and Armenia will be submitted to the arbitration of the President of the United States of America who will also prescribe all expedient stipulations in regard to Armenia’s access to the sea and in regard to the demilitarization of the Ottoman territory adjacent to the said frontier.

The Secretariat General of the Conference acting in accordance with the instructions of the Allied Powers begs the United States Embassy kindly to transmit to President Wilson the copy of the treaty which it has the honor to enclose.”

Text of note and certified copy of the Turkish treaty will be forwarded by next pouch.

  1. Not printed.