311.6124/76: Telegram
The Commissioner at Riga (Young) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:51 p.m.]
137. Deportations. Esthonian Minister for Foreign Affairs informs me Soviet Russia agrees to admit 500 deportees provided they are visaed by Martens. It also desires that permission be granted for departure to Russia of 50 non-Russian citizens now in United States names to be furnished later. The Soviet Government willing to release Mrs. Kennedy79 and permit her departure from Russia if United States will release Larkin80 and guarantee that he will not be “pursued further” and not delivered to British authorities. Soviet Government willing to admit Larkin if he desires to return Russia.
Assume foregoing is entirely unacceptable to our Government but will wait your telegraphic instructions before communicating with Esthonian Minister of Foreign Affairs.81