861.01/236: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Wallace) to the Secretary of State

1652. Supplementing my 1645, September 3, 2 p.m. Foreign Office has transmitted to me telegraphic message communicated by Russian Embassy in Paris which determined Monsieur Millerand to recognize Wrangel Government. Following summary: Considering itself as representative of the state and national ideas, the Government of South Russia holds itself responsible for engagements of all former [Page 616] Russian Governments. Agrarian reform is being effected on the broadest basis: land is transferred to peasants in full ownership. In the political [sphere] principal aim followed by the Government is to [give to] the people the possibility, as soon as practicable, of determining the form of government by free expression of their will. As a first step in this direction the local administration by virtue of a decree dated July 15 has been confided to local powers (Zemstvos) elected on a democratic basis.
