661.00/6339: Telegram

The High Commissioner at Constantinople (Bristol) to the Secretary of State

113. Following from McCully [, Novorossiisk?]:

“8. Odessa is in hands of Bolsheviks. Calculated over 10,000 refugees are on board vessels in harbor. The Crimea may fall at any moment and there will also be a large number of wretched, harassed refugees from Bolshevik occupation. Following message received from General Denikin dated February 8, 2 p.m.

[‘]Fighting on Odessa and Crimea front goes on against heavy odds. Both are full of refugee, sick, wounded and families of officers. Scarcely any ships available and no coal. If military operations unsuccessful above are in greatest danger, even death threatens them. Morale fighting men weakened by worries about families in rear.

I appeal to humanity of your people and request your Government if they cannot obtain for us ships and coal for evacuating from Odessa and possibly Crimea. This is urgent and such help will never be forgotten and help us fight and without wavering. Denikin.’

Urgent necessity for with all force possible [sic] that duty to humanity require us to help these unhappy people. McCully.”
