861.00/6085: Telegram

The High Commissioner at Constantinople (Bristol) to the Secretary of State

6. An appeal has been made to me by Henko, representative Russian Admiral Schramc [henko] of Denikin navy here, on the part of humanity. Odessa will resist or be taken by the Bolsheviki within two or three weeks. It contains more than 100,000 refugees and inhabitants who must be evacuated to allow any defense of the city. If they remain the city must be surrendered and many of them will certainly be killed and tortured. In the recent capture of Kharkov, the Reds murdered 25,000 persons. Greater atrocities are feared at Odessa unless it is properly evacuated.

[Page 574]

For this 4000 tons more of coal are needed in the port where shipping is plentiful but without sufficient fuel. Admiral de Robeck appealed to has supplied already 2,000 tons on his own responsibility without consulting the British Admiralty. The French have been appealed to in vain. I find myself in the same position. I have here only 1200 tons necessary for our own ships, and am without authority to turn this over to the Russians. Our Government has no credit arrangements like France and England with Denikin.

In no way could America show to the world the unselfishness and altruism which have characterized us during the war than by in some manner furnishing this coal. Its supply would in no sense be an act of military aid, but rather one of sheer humanity.

The British transport Hanover has already made one trip from Odessa to Sevastopol carrying 6000 refugees, and is returning for another load. A French ship has left here on similar mission. We have no means to participate in this work. Any aid on our part in this most serious matter would be amply rewarded in future prestige. We are prejudicing ourselves not only in the eyes of Russians but of other nations by being forced to hold ourselves aloof.
