763.72114/5323: Telegram

The Consul General at Irkutsk (Harris), temporarily at Vladivostok, and the Consul at Vladivostok (Macgowan) to the Secretary of State

104. …

Of the 32,000 Czechs remaining to be repatriated by us 26,000 are now in Vladivostok. Ships now provided and nearing Vladivostok will take only 18,000. It is possible that part of the Czech force may have to be repatriated through Dairen on account of interruption on the railway.

I recommend Department’s immediately consulting British Government in order to expedite complete evacuation of the Czechs.

Referring to Department’s telegram April 5, 6 p.m.86 Total number to be evacuated at to-day’s date as follows: Czech-Slovaks 47,735, Poles 2,150, Letts 1,350, Serbs 1,500, Roumanians 2,800, total 55,535. To these must be added Polish and Serbian prisoners to be released 11,000, Roumanians 4,000, Polish workmen 800, grand total 71,335.

Although there may be considerable delay before the arrival of the 15,800 Polish and Roumanian prisoners who will be repatriated by the British Government, it is urgently recommended that the original quota of 36,000 Czechs be evacuated by the United States at the earliest moment possible.

  • Harris
  • Macgowan
  1. Not printed.